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Journalist Mike Wendland Travels North America in a Class B Motorhome

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Top 10 RV Lessons Learned After 75,000 Miles

We just turned 60,000 miles on our Roadtrek Etrek as we pulled into our Michigan driveway after our latest trip, which essentially was four months on the road through 21 states, taking us from Cape Cod on the Atlantic to the far Pacific Northwest. When you add the 15,000 miles we drove in our first RV – a 2006 RS Adventurous – that now gives us 75,000 miles under our collective wheels. We are no longer rookies. Indeed, we’ve learned a few things. And I’ve made some mistakes. But you’ll have t




Have you seen the new TS Adventurous?

Have you seen the new TS Adventurous? It was last December at the big RVIA industry show in Louisville, KY that Jim Hammill and his Roadtrek team showed off a prototype vehicle called the TS Adventurous, a... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




New Apps that RVers Will Enjoy

Apps. There are so many apps that empower our smartphones and tablets to do new and creative things that it’s almost impossible to keep up with them. This week, I have three new apps that you may have missed that you will surely want to add to your RVing collection. The coolest photo enhancing app I’ve seen in a long time is Instagram’s new Hyperlapse, a very nifty little download that lets you create very smooth and fun time lapse videos. It takes a clip you shot on your iPhone, stabilizes it




Top 10 RV Lessons learned after 75,000 miles

Top 10 RV Lessons learned after 75,000 miles We just turned 60,000 miles on our Roadtrek Etrek as we pulled into our Michigan driveway after our latest trip, which essentially was four months on the road through 21... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




RV Photo Shoot: The animals of the West

RV Photo Shoot: The animals of the West I’ve spent much of the weekend editing and distilling down the 1,386 photos I took on our recent trip west and thought I’d share my top 12 favorite photos of ... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Joy of RV Upsizing and Downsizing

Joy of RV Upsizing and Downsizing We arrived around 4:30 PM at a pleasant ocean view campground in Maine. Shortly after we pulled into the assigned site and plugged into shore power, a beautiful new Class... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




New Apps that RVers Will Enjoy

New Apps that RVers Will Enjoy Apps. There are so many apps that empower our smartphones and tablets to do new and creative things that it’s almost impossible to keep up with them.  This week, I... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Stranded in Montana: It’s All Good

So, what’s your worse nightmare about an RV trip? Having a mechanical breakdown in the middle of, say, Montana, at the start of a weekend? Trust me, it’s not so bad. I can say this because it happened to us last weekend, just as we were leaving Glacier National Park and the Many Glacier area, about as remote a place as you can find, where even the cell phones don’t reach. This was the culprit … the sensor (black) at the right of the fuel rail. There is one inescapable thing about RV trave




RV Destination: The Fundy Trail

RV Destination: The Fundy Trail A big draw here on the Roadtreking blog are posts about RV travels -places to visit and things to see.  Since other reporters were already writing super travel articles we... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Stranded in Montana: It’s all good

Stranded in Montana: It’s all good So, what’s your worse nightmare about an RV trip?  Having a mechanical breakdown in the middle of, say, Montana, at the start of a weekend? Trust me, it’s not so... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




RV Side Trip: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Craters of the Moon is a U.S. National Monument and National Preserve in the Snake River Plain in central Idaho that is like no where else on earth, a volcanic wonderland that is easy and fun to explore in one of the weirdest landscapes you can find anywhere. And it’s perfect for Class B recreation vehicles. Craters of the Moon formed during eight major eruptive periods between 15,000 and 2000 years ago. Lava erupted from the Great Rift, a series of deep cracks that start near the visitor cent




Dog Travels in a Class B

Dog Travels in a Class B My dogs and I love to hunt pheasant. Each year we would go to North Dakota for a week and blissfully walk the potholes in search of prey. We do... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




RV Sidetrip: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

RV Sidetrip: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve Craters of the Moon is a U.S. National Monument and National Preserve in the Snake River Plain in central Idaho that is like no where else on earth, a volcanic... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




For Your RV Bucket List: Glacier National Park

As we’ve traveled across North America, visiting wilderness areas and National Parks, one park consistently came up at the top of the list of must-visit places suggested by fellow RVers: Glacier National Park in far northwestern Montana. Now that we’ve been there and spent most of a week exploring this dramatic and spectacular park, we know why. But our adventure here didn’t start out well. We visited in mid-August, after school had started in much of the country. We thought the crowds would




Charging your Electronics in your Camper

Charging your Electronics in your Camper When we first started traveling in our camper van it seemed like we always juggled to keep our electronic devices charged. It was easier if we were plugged into shore... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Save the Planet – Be a Fulltime RVer

Save the Planet – Be a Fulltime RVer We were chattering away on the Roadtrek Facebook group about solar, and it got me to thinking – what is my energy consumption and carbon footprint now that I’m fulltiming... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




For Your RV Bucket List: Glacier National Park

For Your RV Bucket List: Glacier National Park As we’ve traveled across North America, visiting wilderness areas and National Parks, one park consistently came up at the top of the list of must-visit places suggested by fellow RVers:... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Fridges and Freezers, oh my

Fridges and Freezers, oh my A few weeks ago we were at Mingus Park on the Oregon Coast. Mingus Park is in a really, really hilly part of the coast; there’s not much of a... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Spritzing up your RV with Lavender at the Tumalo Lavender Farm

Lavender. Just the word brings olfactory recall, doesn’t it? Such a pleasant smell, such a pleasant flower. While we were RVing in the Pacific Northwest, I saw a notice in a local publication about a lavender farm that invited visitors. Before Mike could say “where are we headed today?”, I had the GPS programmed. The Tumalo Lavender Farm is located just outside of Bend, Ore., and is a 10-acre garden filled with the sweet fragrance of 10,000 mature plants, all grown organically, pollinated by s




Spritzzing up your RV with Lavender

Spritzzing up your RV with Lavender Lavender. Just the word brings olfactory recall, doesn’t it?  Such a pleasant smell, such a pleasant flower. While we were RVing in the Pacific Northwest, I saw a notice in a local... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Please Don’t Water Your AGM Batteries

Please Don’t Water Your AGM Batteries Class B owners are a diligent bunch. They want to do maintenance to head off problems. This is very commendable, but there are occasions when you can maintain your unit... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Off The Beaten Path: Meat Cove

Off The Beaten Path: Meat Cove “Don’t miss Meat Cove!†It was a beautiful fall day on Prince Edward Island. We were talking to a couple who were full-timers in their Roadtrek. We were headed to... Roadtreking : The RV Lifestyle Blog - Traveling North America in a small motorhome Source




Apps for the Open Road

At FMCA's Family Reunion in Redmond last week, I presented a seminar called Apps for the Open Road in which I share some of my favorite apps and online resources for RVers. Now we RVers all have our favorite technology devices, with Android and Apple smartphones and tablets accounting for the vast majority. Most apps now come in versions for different platforms. Most, but not all. I am a pretty diehard Apple fan. Though I’ve used Android gizmos, I keep coming back to Apple, especially the iPho




At the FMCA High Desert Reunion

We’ve been in Redmond, Ore., most of the week attending the Family Motor Coach Association 90th Family Reunion and Motorhome Showcase (a rally). The aerial photo above, taken by the FMCA, shows the 1,500 coaches parked here at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center. There’s about 3,000 people here and, like all such big gatherings, there are lots of folks to visit with, motorhomes to tour, evening entertainment programs and vendors to haggle with. We spent a great night socializing with t




RV side Trip: Ride a Covered Wagon Aong the Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail, and the ancillary trails that led from it, constituted the single greatest migration in America – as many as a half a million men, women and children who traveled by wagon and by foot west for two decades in the mid-19th Century. There are lots of books on the trail and lots of academic experts. But when it really comes to knowing the trail and experiencing it, there are few who can match Morris Carter. Morris Carter has not only built wagons that replicate those used by the



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