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T minus 10 hours and counting down....

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A quick update... the "Trip" command center has officially moved from the house to the motor home... computer, printer, and wireless card are working well...

Hmmm, other critical last minute items, 30 See's Candy Butterscotch Suckers (for The Boss), and Dale's "Frosty Paws Ice Cream Treats" :o I did manage to get my own personal stash of beer... Oh, we put on Clamato Juice, Vodka, and hot sauce-all for Bloody Marys; there is a reserve of white and red wine, along with a variety of diet sodas. Oops, I forgot to mention there is also stuffed olives and several flavors of sparkling water for sissy drinks, in case we have company along the way :D

Moved some other frozen stuff to the RV freezer (I was warned to make sure Dale's Frosty Paws Ice Cream Treats" got on board the RV first!)... he can become a bit unruly if he doesn't get a treat once in a while.

Well, Dale (otherwise known as the "Little Boss") had his beauty appointment today... and "The Boss" (Trudy) had her beauty appointments. I'm allowed to take a shower and change my tee shirt.

About 6 PM (PST) we moved a few more clothes and several bags of girl stuff to the RV.

Tonight we are doing a final check to make sure we are not forgetting anything. HeHeHe :o it appears the sofa, a couple of tables, and some other large furniture is still in the house.... and, our pool is still in the ground - however the pool weights (does that sound right?) are on the RV, just in case they may be needed :lol:

So, the minutes are ticking by, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...


Dale the Dog, Trudy and Doug

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