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.... Days 6 and 7 of 32 day Adventure

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... on Day 6, Thursday, June 4, in the early morning, We were both very sick... I was in no condition to get behind the wheel and drive to Branson MO. So we decided to go to Plan B, don't go to Branson MO, but stay in the current KOA campground to recover, then leave tomorrow morning to go to Nashville TN, which is about 700 miles away. That's the best we could come up at the time.

By the way, anybody else get food poisoning while on the road? Any remedy suggestions?

Still on Thursday, June 4, about 9 am, we made arrangements with the campground management to stay another day. Then I stumbled back to the RV to continue recovering from the food poisoning.

Remember that our goal is to be in Washington DC by next Monday, June 8 for our daughter's birthday (the whole point of the trip). Driving 700 miles from Little Rock AR to Nashville TN in one day we concluded was not going to happen in our conditions. So we came up with a new plan, Plan B-Part 2, which is to break the Nashville trip of 700 miles into two parts of 350 smiles each.

So continuing with Thursday, June 4, about 10 am, we decided to sleep another 3-4 hours, drink a lot of Gatorade to rehydrate ourselves, and eat a mixture of yogurt with probiotics mixed with bran (ymmmm :lol: About 2 pm we got on the road, I was sucking on a bottles of Gatorade and munching on pretzels.

While we wanted to drive about 350 miles, there was a KOA in Merrilton AR at about 275 miles, and since it was about 6 pm, we stopped for the night to continue our recovery. More liquids and simple food, and early to bed to rest.

.... Day 7, Friday June 5, , we are alive and better, as we had about 400 miles to drive today to Nashville TN, we were up early. No coffee this morning, more Gatorade and yogurt with bran... but we were feeling much better, not 100% yet, maybe 80%.

So we got on the road about 8:30 am, and drove the 400 miles to Nashville, easy driving on I-40, we stopped about every two hours, a little stretching, more Gatorade... no solid food yet. We arrived at the Two Rivers Campground, located on Music Valley Drive, just down the street from the Grand Ole Opry. We are both feeling better, but still drinking liquids, and no solid food yet (we wanted to have our stomachs return to normal before eating any regular food.)

So the good news is we got tickets for a Grey Line Tour of Nashville and to go to the 7 PM Grand Ole Opry Show.

... so ends days 5, 6, and 7, not the best for us... but life goes on, and RVing goes on...

This morning, June 6, Saturday, we are actually "perky" and getting ready to play tourist... and even maybe try some southern cooking.

.... stay tuned...

Dale, Trudy, and Doug

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So, you guys should relax in Nashville until you feel better! Nashville has great burgers, but don't get adventurous until you feel up to it. Country music Hall of Fame is a MUST. It sounds like you are having a great time, you are doing a great job as bloggers and I look forward to seeing you soon!


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