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... Day 10 of 32 Adventure

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Yippee! :lol:

We have arrived at Cherry Hill RV Park, in College Park, MD, just next door to Washington D.C. We are set up and already had a pizza for dinner.

Total miles driven from Palm Springs CA to College Park MD, 2,863 miles, driven in 7 days or an average 400 miles per day. FYI, to have a more relaxed trip we concluded that we should have planned at least 9-10 driving days (300 miles per day average), with a rest day about every 4 days. That will be our planning technique when we head down the East Coast and then back to California later this month. But, we have had a good time getting here...

We got better than anticipated miles per gallon with the RV. I planned 6 miles per gallon and it appears we averaged 8-8.5 miles per gallon. We did follow a number of suggestions from one of the forums discussions regarding improving diesel fuel mileage. According to the Garmin we have, our overall average speed was 54-55 mph. In reality, I did attempt to cruise on the Interstate at 65 mph and did use the economy mode on the Allison transmission. Tires are at 120 psi front and 110 psi rear. And I worked at talking advantage of rolling hills (and there was a lot of them.) But I think keeping the highway speed at 65 mph had the most impact.

Anyway, that is more technical stuff then most folks want to know about.

... we'll close for the night... we are taking a Segway Tour of the Mall on Wednesday... and planning to do other stuff...


Dale, Trudy and Doug

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