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Are We Having Fun, Yet?



blog-0883008001387595403.jpgYou should have been here yesterday. When we got Gucci (the pigmy goat) we did not realize how tame she was. We didn't want her to run off so I kept a rope on her collar so she could acclimate to her surroundings and not run off. She was in the barn out of the weather and had company with our cats and the cows when they get under the shed. She has not paid attention to either. She thinks she is human. As long as I am with her she follows behind and never runs off.

I asked a friend to come escape proof a corral that goes into the other side of the barn and to take down an awning to the party barn. We surveyed the corral and went back to my house to take the awning down to get it recovered at the upholstery shop. Gucci almost beat me back home. She got loose some how and was dragging her rope behind her. You have to understand the barn is at my daughter's house across the pasture (about 1/4 mile from my house). We caught her and tied the rope to a tree while we had the awning fixed. When we got back Gucci was not tied to the tree any more. In fact, she was no where in sight. So I get on the golf cart and go looking for her while my friend works on the corral. Can you see me out riding on a golf cart yelling "Gucci, Gucci, come here Gucci?"

Some new neighbors are having a house built across the road and I noticed yesterday that Gucci would look in the direction of the noise but would stay close to me. I decided to ride in that direction yelling Gucci and I hear a "baaaaa". The workmen had her tied up to a tree and was I glad to see her. We finished the corral and now she has a new home and I hope she will enjoy the outside as well as the inside. She also is not completely by herself in the barn. A couple of years ago I built an apartment in the barn for an employee who was in need. In return he takes care of the animals when we are gone. He said he always wanted a pigmy goat as a pet and when he is not at work he is there to pay attention to her.

Tonight is a good night to stay inside. It started raining this afternoon and we are expecting wind, heavy rains, and maybe some severe thunderstorms over the weekend. It is really warm here and I have seen tornadoes in Arkansas in December as well as almost every month of the year. This weather has been so strange this year. Last week in Cincinnati it was freezing and now in Arkansas it is like Spring on the day before Winter starts.

It is only 5 days until Christmas. Gifts are not bought and house is not decorated. I think Gloria is about to go into panic mode. She hasn't been able to drive and I am not a shopper so we have not bought many gifts. But decorations and presents are not the true reason we celebrate Christmas. We enjoy getting together with family and friends and in fact we will have company for Christmas Dinner. When you sit down to eat your Christmas Dinner think of all the military personnel around the world as well as all the emergency workers in our country who give up their Christmas so we can celebrate ours.

Our motor home is being packed and the last minute things are in the process of being organized. I washed the golf cart so it will be clean when we start out. I'm ready to get on the road and see more of my FMCA family and the beautiful United States. We will be spending New Year's with friends in Texas (Sheri Brewer & Gene Miller). We hope to see lots of you in Indio at the Western Area Rally. We are meeting up with a couple, (Mike & Cindy Kelley of Richland, WA), at the rally that we met years ago when we were going to races. They were at the Martinsville, VA, NASCAR race and we met one morning on our daily walk. He had owned a body shop so we had lots to talk about. They have been to our house several times and we have been to see them.

Gloria went back to the Retina Doctor this week and is doing well. Her sight is returning but is not completely back. He said she can travel and to make an appointment to see him when we get back home from our travels.

Gloria and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year. Be safe in your travels and "Remember It is All About Having Fun".


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