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Stressful two days!



blog-0796115001395340897.jpgStressful two days. Was driving toward between Marfa and Lobo Tx on US 90 running right along with a good tail wind and suddenly I hear a pop followed by a continous rattle, blowing a blueish colored smoke out the exhaust, and loosing power. Got into a picnic area and that was all she had left.

After a hour and a half tow we arrived at Rocky Mountain Cummins in El Paso where we spent the night hooked up in their RV lot. After checking numerous things like the turbo, and fuel delivery system components, they determined we had dropped a valve on #3 cylinder. Just installed a re-manned head last year. No warranty on that cause I went for a ebay deal. Hard lesson learned. Injector hole is to small for a bore scope to pass through. The only way to determine what damage was done to the cylinder is to drop the pan and go in thru the bottom, and you still don't know what the top of the piston looks like. So after a days labor and a questionable head, I don't think we will mess with the engine.

So we are looking at a reman engine or a used engine. Was thinking of cutting our losses and just signing the title over to Cummins, but I think we are going to try to do the re-man engine if we can get a good price. They say that we are looking at 40 hours of labor just on the installation - ouch. Just had 6 new tires installed and got a new mattress. If I could sell it, but how do you sell a old Foretravel with a blown engine??? Especially when it will not pull out of the Cummins lot under its own power!

Oh, the happy note, Coach Net came thru again in Flying Colors!! Top notch outfit in my book.


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