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I have all the regular bills set up so I can pay them online or auto pay. I have a PO box so I just tell them I will be out of town and they hold the rest till I get back It has worked for trips over 90 days. The only problem I have seen with having mail that is sent to the house, is the "hold" must be renewed monthly. You can do  it on line. I f I was going to be gone a long time I might need to have it forwarded but so far I don't see the need.


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We use the UPS store nearby. Postal service forwards 1st and 2nd class there for free for our two to three month trips, and we call for forwarding via Big Brown when we think that it is time. Agree with Bill on payments. All of our important ones are automatically deducted from our checking account. I pay my credit card invoice in full, monthly by talking to a female robot. Quick and painless and no charge for the service. 

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The only problem I have with the USPS is that they only forward your magazines for 60 days. Thus you must do a change of address to somewhere or report them missing when you get back at each magazine website.

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Check with your local Post Office concerning " premium mail forwarding"  from your home address .

They will shipped it all to you ,when you want it shipped to and address of your choice at that time.

Your letter carrier takes care of it all. There is a cost for this special service.


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For the past few years we have used St Brendan Isle for our mail service while on extended trips.  They will scan your mail daily for your preview, then you can have these saved, trashed or scanned.  They will send you anything you select to your specific location.  It's an excellent service and has been well worth it.

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Note:  If the mail is marked do not forward or address service requested or any other reason like that that mail will be returned to sender  The only good thing about that is that junk mail don't get forward The bad is bills and bank statements don't get forward unless you also give them the forwarding address  

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