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Getting accustomed...

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It is not like I have not been around the motorhome crowd for a long time. I have worked at Family Motor Coaching magazine since 1989.

But it's one thing to write about it, or meet people who know about it, or learn the difference between a converter and an inverter. When the motorhome is sitting your backyard, it's personal.

And since I'm the only person in my household, save for one cat, it's really in my face. There's nobody between me and Minnie's generator issues, or her water tank, or the fact that something sticky somewhere is keeping me from knowing exactly how full that black water tank is. I am Minnie's problem-solver, galley-filler, trip planner, and chooser of tunes to play as we travel.

This morning, gorgeous frost covered everything outside, and the sun gleamed on Minnie with promise. It may be too cold now, but summer is on its way and we will be also....

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What are your travel plans? What direction is Minnie pointed this morning? I'm looking for your next entry. It will be fun to read about your perspective on the whole voyage of getting into motorhoming. I assume that you have not been out in Minnie before... or am I wrong?

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Peggy, keep us all posted on your trips as well as the tunes you are playing. You rock, girlfriend. Think of all the memories you will have to share with others and all of the interesting and beautiful places waiting to be explored. With your gift of word -- I'm sure we will be seeing a "best seller" on the bookshelves sometime in the future.

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