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Comments on the Monaco Cayman article, June issue

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I read with great interest the article on the 2011 Monaco Cayman. It's great to know Navistar has picked up this line as I have always liked the style and features Monaco provided. I have a problem with Monaco's marketing director Ryan Lee"s comment that he and the staff at Monaco think this coach could easily be priced into the $400,000 or $500,000 price range. The article then states "Instead, the Cayman is offered at a base price of $226,350, running up to around $260,000 for a fully tricked-out model". I feel Mr. Lee's remark is what got Monaco into their demise to begin with by pricing their units above reasonable market value. It is almost offensive to think we as motorhome buyers would be willing to pay $400,000 to $500,000 for a $260,000 motorhome as Mr. Lee suggest. I hope as the market regains its credibility, Monaco as well as other motorhome manufacturers keep their pricing where it currently is instead of taking a $260,000 motorhome and re-creating their demise by over-pricing. Many more units will be sold to those of us that would buy a $260,000 motorhome but cannot afford it at $400,000.

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