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  1. Just started using the device, and unlike the Sprint/T-Mobile, I can't see the option to see my monthly data usage. I was thinking to try to go directly into the device on my browser, but what is supposed to be the login info? Is it my fmca login?
  2. Hi all. The park we've been staying at has rusted water from it's well. The smell can be bad. It leaves a rusty orange-brown on our trailer's bathroom sink, tub, and toilet. I have no idea what it's done to the internal pipes. This is a new, 2019 trailer, so it's not from somewhere else, which I think the park will try to claim. Others have this issue, as well. Do I need to get some sort of private inspection done on our trailer's system? Do I need to seek an arbitrator/lawyer? We're in the Fremont, NE [about 45 minutes NW of Omaha].
  3. I was wondering, how does that work. I've seen bridges of various heights over the years. However, I've never really given the heights any consideration. Are all trailers a max height, to fit under all bridges? Is there some resource that lets one know how high a bridge is, so that one knows if their trailer will be able to pass, before they're on the road? Thanks.
  4. I know some of the earlier posts said the Sprint coverage was bad in certain areas of the US. What I'm wondering, is now that Sprint & T-mobile have merged, has there been any improvements.
  5. This worked awesome for me, as well. I'm now on my 2nd month, and it's been awesome! Watching news, music, education programs for the kids, etc!
  6. On the search for the elusive true WiFi, that doesn't get throttled at 20 - 50G, I came across this site a site with 3rd party renters who offer mobile wifi (which can replace home internet), with a focus on rural people, and rvers/nomads. Here are the main sites. I hope that others can explore these, and offer their experiences, or at least start with the basics of what they offer. https://www.rvmobileinternet.com/gear/att-unlimited-rental-plans/ https://www.rvmobileinternet.com/gear/verizon-unlimited-rental-plans/ https://www.rvmobileinternet.com/gear/t-mobile-unlimited-rental-plans/ These are expensive, business connections, go through one the big 3 (I didn't look for Sprint, due to the merger with T-mobile), and they generally have a monthly gig amount averaging 400 - 600GB/mo. The ones I made note of was the lowest of 200 - 700GB, starting at $79. Here are the ones I've looked at, with their starting prices and "suggested average monthly use." While they do indicate you can watch movies, gaming, or similar, they do suggest trying intense activities (one specified bitcoin mining) can result in your account being canceled by the network management. https://trifectawireless.com/ $129/mo; This is very rarely an issue and any usage under 800GB/month will be fine. (The average home internet usage is 400-500GB/month.) https://neverthrottled.com/ $90; It is unlimited, but we are asking everyone to keep it under 400gb a month and 80gb a day. https://www.nolimitdata.net/ $90; 900gb https://support.nomadinternet.com/kb/true-unlimited/is-your-service-really-unlimited $99; 400GB https://www.unlimitedmobilewifi.com/ Tmobile/sprint: $96.51; Ver: 126.51...I did not find anything on daily/monthly GB. https://potentialinternet.com/ $79; 200 - 700G.
  7. Cruise America sold some of it's former rentals, as refurbished, and we put a small security deposit on it. How difficult is it, for someone "inexperienced with RVs," to drive them? All members of my wife's family has been very negative on it. One even going so far as to say "that's why truck driving school is 6 weeks...you need special skills." Others are saying similar to that effect, especially since neither of us have driven any large vehicles, with any regularity, over any distance. I'll admit that I'm not a big fan of larger autos, especially in towns. My "biggest" that I've driven, on a regular basis (I've driven uncles pickups, but mainly just to get firewood), are a Crown Vic Interceptor, and Nissan PathFinder. On the flip, having driven cross country in a car before, going through the towns, the roads are generally fairly straight-forward, and there's no major plans to stay "in town." We would be at an RV/campground for the winter, and that, national/state land, or some other options (like family), when it's not snowing. We also figure, that other than shopping, which we generally do twice a month, or an occasional medical, that, at worst, we rent a car for the day, if needed. So, are these people just being doom & gloomers? Or is it really a challenge to try and drive an RV, for people not experienced with it? Wouldn't a general guide of keeping 10 miles under the speed limit, and staying in the slow lane, especially for a new driver, be sufficient? Appreciate the feedback!
  8. Greetings, all. US Navy Veteran of OEF, and we're going to be starting "The RV life," and just joined. I was actually going to ask if anyone was familiar with Visible, having come across it a few months ago, and see it as a decent option for our web option: 2 cells (wife & I) = 2 hotspots, so can hook up a laptop to one, and either another laptop, or tablet. Was wondering what others' experiences have been with Visible, On The Road.
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