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Posts posted by bobandpaula907

  1. On 5/28/2021 at 10:28 PM, wayne77590 said:

    Thanks Herman. He is alive and well, even if he doesn't have a pulse. He is kept alive by an LVAD and is doing fine.  They moved from Arkansas to Florida and are loving it there. He is active and about, just has to stay relatively close to a hospital that can cope with the LVAD.

    This man is a family friend of ours, and we flew to Florida and drove their motor home and their dogs back to Arkansas. FMCA paid for our expenses (flights, food, lodging) to do so. Their experience is the reason we joined FMCA just as soon as we bought our camper! Hope we never have to use the insurance, but we are confident they will help us if we ever experience an emergency!

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