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Posts posted by elkhartjim

  1. On 6/4/2020 at 7:31 PM, WILDEBILL308 said:

    Let us know if it is still good. Last time I was in that area we stayed over at Heartland RV Park & Cabins. Rapid City, South Dakota has a lot of intersting things to see. Look for The City of Presidents Walk. They have statues of the Presidents on each street corner.


    I've stayed at Rafter J for years and like Carl I've driven every back road, off road and cow path I could find. Bill, being a foodie, you should stay there just so you can eat at the Alpine Inn in Hill City. We met the lady who started the restaurant and later sold it to her daughter.  Charming German women with unbelievably strong political beliefs. We were at Rafter J for 6 days and either had lunch or dinner or dessert at Alpine Inn 5 times. 

    We've been at the Elkhorn Ridge RV Resort in Spearfish for the pass 4 days and it is at least a 5 star place. Sadly, its about 30% full. Rafter J finally got up to about 60% full. We are leaving for Breckenridge today for a week in Tiger Run. 

    Bill, we did do the drive/walk of presidents streets in Rapid City. Neat bronzes for sure. 

    The Sturgis city council will decide June 15 if they will cancel the Bike Week, if they cancel that will mean a tremendously negative financial impact for this area. 

    Carl, glad the surgery went well.

  2. I've performed the required annual maintenance on my Oasis including replacing the summer loop pump. The summer loop pump is accessed from the back side but easily gotten to from the opposite side basement door. Joe, Oasis oriented the unit so all the annual maintenance is performed simply be removing the front panel. A friends AH is serviced from side panel and not easily accesable. 

  3. 6 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

    Last time I stayed at Heartland RV Park & Cabins. I would recommend driving 16A in your toad it is a amazing scenic road DO NOT take a RV on it. (this is more for future readers not so much Jim). 


    What Bill....you think I can't maneuver a 44 ft motorhome through those tunnels? 

    Steak night at the Alpine Inn in Hill City and go for dessert as often as possible. 

  4. We've taken this opportunity to spend time in northern New Mexico. The park in Angel Fire is first class, https://angelfirervresort.com/ . The day we drove to Red River, NM, it was raining when we left Angel Fire but then turned to snow driving over the Palo Flechado Pass (9000 ft). The restaurants are only doing takeout in NM so we've been eating in mostly, besides, I can cook a better than average meal on my pellet cooker. 

    We've made reservations at Rafter J Bar Ranch in the Custer area of SD in early June, back to Spicewood, TX for 4th of July celebration and then to upstate NY for most of July and August. We have a 21 days Baltic cruise scheduled August 21 but that is still up in the air. Air travel is our major concern.

    Other than that, we're getting our fill of Netflix.

  5. Mine is in

    16 minutes ago, huffypuff said:

    Most have a booster in the rear outside of the coach not to boost signal but to overcome E.F. noise.  

    Mine is in the rear closet even though I really don't need it. I tested it one day and the monitor will pick up the sensors from 78 feet without the booster. 

  6. On 4/22/2020 at 9:29 AM, tireman9 said:

    Yes that can work as long as you never get a drepped signal at the driver seat.


    You lost your bet with me at least. I can easily carry my TST monitor to each wheel position on my 45 foot coach and my toad while hooked up without dropping a signal. 

  7. DocJ, I just read your post and like you I've never seen an insurance company provide anymore than they are contractually obligated to and often its a battle to get them to cover what they have agreed to.

    Ross, I guess my mind is made up to to believe what their contract says rather than what you say...right or wrong.

    6 minutes ago, elkhartjim said:



  8. Bill, looking at it from a business standpoint, reduce staff, go strictly to electronic magazine and lower the annual dues to bring in more members. I like your idea of giving away a one year membership with new coaches sold. Make the FMCA Assist an optional program with a separate charge. Not to turn this into a political scene but you can't tax your way out of a financial crisis and by continuing to raise the dues thats exactly what they are doing.  We always had a saying in sales that its much easier and less expensive to retain a customer than to get a new customer. If they are truly losing 1000+ members a month, they need to do something quickly or they won't exist in a matter of a few years. Escapees has kept their dues at less than $40 for some time and their membership growth has been descent.  

    Sorry Herman, but I would never walk up to a complete stranger and have a conversation on the merits of FMCA. Why?  Other than med assist and a tire program that I question the value of, what does FMCA have to offer? I know, rallys!  Like DocJ, I have no interest driving halfway across the  country to park shoulder to shoulder with 2000 RV's and go to a seminar. The majority of younger folks don't have the time or interest. 

  9. Base plate:     $400

    Wiring :             130

    Towbar:          1000

    Brake Buddy    850

    Total Parts       $2380

    Crazy number of hours 8 x $125/hour = $1000.

    Total: $3380.00 plus your local taxes

    I've installed base plates on 5 different vehicles and its never taken me more than 3 hours to install including the light wiring. Like Bill said, if you can find a used towbar on Craigs List, Ebay, etc, thats more money saved. 

  10.  Social media sites are going nuts on the way FMCA canceled the rallies. Many are saying they will not renew but even worse many are saying they are new to rving and had thought about joining and this will negate that thought. 

    Maybe FMCA is operating on the penny wise pound foolish concept. FMCA is in a lose lose situation unfortunately. 

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