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Posts posted by elkhartjim

  1. Determine from Cummins or Freightliner if you have the Horton fan Clutch. If so, this component is problematic. I replaced the Horton Clutch on my previous motorhome with a 350 HP ISB twice in 60,000 miles. First time was first year of ownership with less than 15,000 miles and again at 40,000 and was showing signs of same problem when I sold it at 60,000 miles. 

  2. I agree with what Richard has stated.  I've been using the ACH transfer method to pay bills for almost 20 years and I guess I've been lucky because it seems so many have been scammed some way or another. I feel its safer than writing a check and handing that to someone. That check has my name, address, account number and routing number that can easily be used in nefarious ways. The ACH method is all done computer to computer and granted the systems can be hacked but my check can be much more easily hacked, copied, stolen, etc. I know and understand that many don't feel comfortable with this method but it works for me.

  3. I find it hard to believe we had an abundance of diesel 2 years ago, Joe. We export so much diesel that its difficult for the refiners to keep up with the demand. If tanker trucks were lined up for weeks to deliver, the question is why? The demand certainly has done nothing but increase in the last ten years and with essentially no new refineries added.

  4. Byron, the algae will form in the water that accumulates when the fuel tank is low on fuel. Its worse in areas like Texas where the temperature may fluctuate from 70's to 40's daily. This fluctuation will cause moisture to form in the tank from condensation. By burning 600+ gallons of fuel a week  you will never have the problems we are discussing. 

  5. The information on the website is too vague to make more than a best guess as to how the program is funded by the user. It appears to me to be more of a prepaid credit card  rather than a prepaid debit card. A debit card would debit my checking account directly at each transaction but the website vaguely talks about how a user adds money to the card. 

    It would be nice if Sherry@TCS would come back and directly answer how the card is funded. Sounds like they are explaining one phone call at a time, if you apply. I'm like Wayne; I will continue to enjoy the TSD card and make transfers to a separate account after a purchase. 

  6. Sounds like I would need to keep a ledger sheet to know when another deposit would be needed and of course know how much lead time would be required before funds would be available. The 10% fee on the savings amount in the TSD program sounds like one heck of a deal compared to the TCS program. They will get lots of FMCA members I'm sure because unless you frequent RV forums you're not aware there other programs available. Best guess, less than 5% of the FMCA members even know about this forum or if they do participate in it. 

  7. I'm interested in desulfating the batteries. I did this with my previous coach coach house batteries and they were 8 years old and still holding a good charge when I sold it. I'm not going to mention using mineral oil in each cell and I'm not going to mention I had no corrosion issues either. 

  8. I have a BatteryMINDer Charger, Maintainer, Desulfator that I use to keep my car, tractor, truck batteries maintained. I've never used it on my coach house batteries but I'm exploring that option. I know I can do this through the Magnum but I want to explore this possibility. It appears my 8 wet cell 6v batteries are wired in two separate banks of 4 each and are wired series-parallel. I'm not sure if or where they are combined later. Here is my question, Should I hook the charger/maintainer up to the individual bank of 4? I hope this makes sense.

  9. I understand the brain dead part and trying to figure something out in the blazing Texas sun wasn't helping. I called the office when I first found the problem and about 2 hours later two guys showed up on a golf cart.  Thankfully I had found my problem long before they showed. I also started my genset to keep from heating the coach to 140º. Smoke on....

  10. I recently had exactly the same problem at a campground in Houston. It took some head scratching and loys brow wiping since it was in the high 90's before I figured out the problem. Hang on to that "plastic straw cleaning brush" since plastic straws are being banned because they are destroying our universe I'm sure the brush will no longer be made.

  11. Carl, there has been much conversation regarding the Newmar values of the pre-Winnebago Industries takeover. The consensus has been that it may well make our units more valuable because the demand will be greater. If you look, there aren't many Newmars on the the resale market and when a good condition used unit hits the market it is usually sold within days...if its priced right of course. Newmar has consistently held their resale value much better than other brands. Personally, I think once the paranoia subsides this will benefit the end users of both Newmar and Winnebago coaches. Time will tell.   

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