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Posts posted by bobged
On 2/12/2019 at 7:01 PM, desertdeals69 said:I can't figure out how to set up my dash. iPad shows the some of the information but no gauges.
Which gauges have you defined? I assume you have the 6-Pin J1708 Adapter. Have you selected the J1708 data bus on the Settings page?
On 1/16/2019 at 1:01 PM, thenutyguy said:Bobged,
I just purchased BlueFire as well. Love the concept. Plan to setup and test this weekend. I really like your custom dash. Can you send me the ipad custom dash?
I know we have communicated through other means, but my apologies for not responding to this post sooner, but I don't regularly monitor this forum.
It looks like VMSpc now has some competition in displaying engine data from from BlueFire LLC with the motorhome app version located at BlueFire Motorhome App The big news is this app is available for Android, IOS and Windows 10 devices. In the dash view it supports the use of both dial and text gauges in a screen layout form for all of the above devices.
The software is free to download and experiment with (see the info at the bottom of the linked page on how to obtain each version).
There are many features in this app and it would be easier to download the app/apps you're interested in rather than me trying to describe them as I'm still learning. However in addition to the Dash view be sure a look at the Trip and Drive functions.Connection to the 9-pin diagnostic port is made with a Bluetooth adapter available for $190 from Amazon BlueFire 9-Pin J1939/J1708 Bluetooth Data Adapter or directly from BlueFire Store that offers a 10% discount using amazon as the coupon code. There is also a J1708 6-pin adapter available.
The developer has made the API open source so others can experiment with adding new features. Apparently they will be in Quartzsite in booth 623a for those that may be attending.
I am attaching screenshots of layouts I put together. The first one is on an iPad and the second on a 10" Windows 10 tablet. The layout files can be shared with others through the email function located within the App.
On edit: Added a screenshot in night mode
On 12/2/2017 at 2:25 PM, thejoco said:I just had the flat tow wiring kit installed yesterday, so I have not had a chance to use it yet. It seems easy and yet it seems hokey to me. I traded my perfectly good 2012 Honda CRV for the 2018 Cherokee Latitude Plus. Having had 2 Grand Cherokees in my lifetime, I figured the Jeep is the best product on the market for towing. Not any longer. I had no idea that I needed the Kit until late in the sale process. So I figured Jeep will make it good with the kit. WRONG!! First of all, my dealer did not have the part/kit and had to search for one and one was found. Mopar is evidently back logged with orders. One was found and after an additional $436 plus tax, I am set to go .... I think. Yes, I paid for it like a dummy. The 'fix' seems easy enough but it is one more thing to do. There is a switch now located in the compartment between the front seats which needs to be switched on and then the procedure calls for inserting a 10 amp fuse which is located under the hood. I hate lifting the hood to insert a fuse and having to remove the fuse each overnight stop and re inserting the fuse in the morning. This must be done because it will drain the battery if the fuse is left in.
I have a question for anyone who is in the know. If I have a battery charger or maintainer, do I need to pull the fuse at each overnight stay or can I just leave it alone until I reach my destination. I have the Stealth brake system and it has a battery maintainer because of the brake system so I am thinking that having the maintainer will keep the battery charged enough that I can leave the fuse installed. Any suggestions?
I appreciate your input.
Carol, regarding your question. If I understand how the Stealth operates it only activates the pump to restore the vacuum system after the brake has been applied. When you're parked the brake system is not in use so the pump doesn't need to run. The other issue is some coaches have constant power at the umbilical plug at the back of the coach, and some (like mine) are only live when the ignition is on.
However even if your coach has constant power I believe trying to maintain the Jeep's EPS system without the coach engine running would probably run down the coach batteries as the EPS draws quite a bit of power.
To make the process a little easier I installed another switch inside the Jeep so I don't have to open the hood to remove and insert the fuse. I have attached a file showing the steps I went through. HTH
On 11/28/2017 at 9:39 AM, kathylarry said:Hum, just disappointing.
Updated my Verizon account per the instructions provided by FMCA 11-8-2017. Verizon made changes and removed my veteran discount. I got a message that discount was applied.
I was still being charged 65.00, so this morning I talked to a Verizon rep and she said that you could only have one discount applied to the account, FMCA or Veterans (really?).
So then I questioned her, why am I being charged 65.00 instead of the FMCA cost of 49.99. She said that since I also have a phone on that account, I cant get that price. I would only get that price if I only had a hotspot.
I did give them the information here "FMCA has a new Verizon MIFI Member Benefit! CLICK HERE to learn more".
I knew I shouldn't have applied............
FYI.... I already had a plan through Verizon with a hotspot and phone. That plan started out as true unlimited data, then 22gig, then 10gig high speed, rest 600kps possible until 22gig, and then 15gig high speed, rest 600kps possible until 22gig. With that plan, I did get 15% veteran discount.
My high speed data quit at 15gig, so I haven't seen any type of change since I applied November 8th.
I also had my military discount disappear. I called Verizon and they setup a sub account for the FMCA plan so the military discount wouldn't apply to it. I then had to fill out a form and resubmit my DD-214. It was approved and I am supposed to have my discount back on the next billing cycle.
It looks like some have been able to get their lines activated. I also got mine activated after a long ordeal and am posting the following just in case it might help others.
I went through approximately two hours on the phone with a Verizon senior tech support person to get the FMCA Mobile Broadband Unlimited program for 49.99 plan setup. The lengthy process is totally on Verizon’s side. FMCA is not to blame at all.
The following are the steps to be followed as suggested by the tech support person.
Go through the process of signing up for the program by following the link to Verizon on the FMCA site. If you do not have a Verizon wireless account, then select New Account and complete the application. If you have an existing Verizon wireless account, the then select Existing Customer -> Register your line to receive discount.
Once you receive your device you will need to call Verizon Tela Sales (800) 256-4646 **Important** Disregard the mobile number that is listed on your Verizon receipt. You need to have them setup a new line of service. They will need the IMEI and ICCID numbers which are listed on the box and the device itself.
Have them place you one of their regular plans. Tell them It doesn’t make any difference which one as you are going to transfer it to a special unlimited plan. They will then setup your new account, or add the device to your existing account, and give you the new mobile number.
Once that is done have them transfer you to Customer Care. Give them your new mobile number, and tell them you want your plan transferred the Family Motor Coach Mobile Broadband Unlimited for $49.99 plan ID: 11454. You may also need to give them the FMCA Member Program Profile ID of 4273588
7 hours ago, chindog said:Well, I haven't been able to get the device at all, so at least you have some hardware in your hands.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there is a "Promo Code" for the Jetpack 7730L? Almost every Verizon rep I have talked to has asked me what the Promo Code is for this offer.
Maybe try the Plan ID 11454 that Bill Adams posted. I'm just hoping that Verizon has not yet made this plan available to their CSRs, and all will be straightened out by Monday.
Has anyone been able to get their Jetpack activated on the FMCA plan at Verizon?
I received my Jetpack today and have literally talked to eight different reps in various departments that number one, don't know anything about the FMCA plan, number two can't find any record of my Jetpack mobile number in their system. The final person I spoke with told me I would have to speak with someone at FMCA.
How do we get the Jetpack activated?
On edit: I just read the following from a member of another forum:
Seems no one but a special Executive Relationship Team (ERT) has any access to work on this new FMCA plan. And he cannot call them. The Vz person can only send them email, plus they only work 9-5 eastern.
Can anyone from FMCA confirm this is who we need to contact?
On 2/25/2017 at 6:16 PM, smokey67 said:Is anyone using a battery charger/maintainer to keep the battery up while towing? If so what type are you using? Or does the wiring harness modification not draw that much. The instructions I received with the wiring harness/switch said one should be used if towing for more than 3 hours.
Yes I am using the RVibrake Towed Battery Charger https://rvibrake.com/products/towed-battery-charger?variant=8804388741 I have received information from other KL owners that have somewhat automated the activation of the wiring kit so the fuse can stay inserted all the time. As soon as the snow clears and I can get my coach out of the driveway, I'm going to do set mine up in a similar fashion.
This might be a little difficult to explain, but let me try. The RVi charger has a line that runs from the coach to its charging module. On a Freightliner chassis that line is ONLY hot when the engine is running. It then runs to the RVi charger module that monitors the state of charge of the towed vehicle's battery, and adjusts the charging rate from the coach accordingly. That module also has a diode in it so the towed vehicle's battery cannot backfeed through the module. This is designed so the towed vehicle battery is not drawn down in case the coach batteries fail.
However this diode also can come into play with the Mopar wiring kit. I am going to remove the kit's fused wire from the power distribution panel and attach it to the RVi wire between the coach and the RVi module. This will allow the fuse to remain in the line at all times as it will only be activated when the towed is connected to the coach, and the coach's engine is running. When the coach engine is shutdown there will be no power to the towed and the fused line in the toad will be deactived.
I will still need to use the switch in the center console, but if I'm just stopping for the night and not starting the Jeep, I can leave it in the up position over night.
I haven't personally tried the above yet, but hopefully will be able to in the coming week. I'll report back on how my initial testing goes.
On 2/23/2017 at 7:11 PM, smokey67 said:I sent an email to Kori about my Cherokee as suggested by bobged but never received a reply. But I went ahead a got the wiring harness installed today. It only cost me $290.44 including the cost of the harness so it sounds like I got off better than some who have posted on this forum. still think it is very irresponsible of FCA to not stand behind a design flaw and safety hazard.
I just saw your post. I'm surprised that either Kori or someone else from JeepCares didn't get back to you. In any case here is Kori's direct email address: (EMAIL OWNER REQUESTED EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED). Just keep in mind she can only help those with 2014-2015 Cherokees get a reimbursement. She cannot do anything for 2016 and newer since Jeep subsequently changed their User's Guide which now states the wiring kit is a neccessary option in order to flat tow.
2 hours ago, BillAdams said:I am not sure there is a lot of ambiguity out there. Here is a chart showing what each State and Canadian providence requires.
If you follow the guide lines for supplemental braking required by your State (where you are licensed) this "should" CYA. The scary part about the information you have from your insurance company is when they say " I can stop in a safe distance ". If you rear end someone and you don't have supplemental braking my guess would be that they would claim you were not able to stop in a safe distance.
You need to adhere to the supplemental braking laws for any state that you may drive through. Home state reciprocity is only for driver's license, vehicle registration and insurance.
On 11/21/2016 at 3:00 PM, Florida65 said:I just had the wiring kit installed for the "Jeep Wobble" and now trying to get reimbursement from FCA. It appears to me that a major problem is with the case managers. Each one seems to be able to independently decide whether you get reimbursed, or not. The case manager that I just spoke with told me that the addendum to the owners manual was due to a misprint in the original manual and that towing was an option that required the kit. I advised him that the only requirement for flat towing at the time I purchased the Trailhawk was the Active Drive II transmission and that the subsequent addendum was due to a discovered problem, not a misprint. Case manager would not budge from his decision.
FMCA can you speak to FCA and try to get continuity with FCA on reimbursement? We should not individually have to fight this issue; this should have been made clear by FCA at the beginning as to financial responsibility especially since the majority of us are still under warranty and all of us probably bought this vehicle due to it's ability to flat tow.
If nothing can be done with FMCA's help would any members who have not been reimbursed be willing to pay for an attorney to send a letter to FCA representing us as a group rather than each of us fighting on our own? I have found a letter from an attorney costs very little money but can have big results.
Sorry I'm so late with this information, but I don't monitor this forum very often. If your Cherokee is a 2014, 2015 or early 2016 build (not sure what the cutoff date is), send an email to: (EMAIL OWNER REQUEST EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED) Attn: Kori. She is with JeepCares and should be able to help you. She cannot do anything for KLs built later in 2016.
On 11/21/2016 at 5:16 PM, jbikesv said:Anyone now if the 2017 Jeep Trail Haw I just purchased has this same problem?
Just answered my question. Jeep has stated "my" jeep, built in Oct 2016, has been corrected.
If you don't mind, who did you speak to at Jeep, and did they explain how it was corrected, assuming you don't have the towed wiring kit installed?
Thank you for posting this information. Do you have a link to FMA's source documentation? I called FMA Customer Assistance Center and they (rep and supervisor) could not find any reference to the "wobble" problem, nor the mentioned "jumper wire harness and switch" fix for the 2014-2016 Jeep Cherokees.
Thank you. -
I have towed my 2014 Limited for the past year over some pretty rough roads and have not experienced any wobbling or shaking.
Regarding the electric parking brake, that should be disabled for anyone towing a Cherokee. Here is the procedure:
Go to Controls -> Settings -> Safety and Driving Assistance -> Electric Park Brake -> Auto Park Brake - uncheck this function
To those that are complaining about the 7710 manual, have you downloaded the manual that is available from the dock after you have registered your product? It's 155 pages and one of the best I've ever seen.
If you go back to the first page of this thread, you will find that the 500 gallons in gone and you can register online.
That's how it worked for me. I haven't been in a PFJ since last October. I registered my card online in December and it shows pump start is activated.
Diesel Fuel Discount Program
in Type A motorhomes
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There is a new diesel fuel discount program offered by TSD Logistics that gives substantial discounts at EFS locations (Love's, T/A, Flying J, etc). Program details TSD Fuel Discount Program The savings can be .20¢ to .40¢ per gallon depending on where you fuel.
If you're interested you need to download, fill out and submit the Non-Motor Carrier forms from the website. The payment is handled as an ACH transaction through your bank checking account (similar to the RV Plus card but this is processed once per day). TSD's fee for this service is 10% of whatever the savings is. If there is no savings, then the transaction is processed free of charge.
According to a conversation I had with them their best arrangement is with Love's where the savings can be in the .40¢ range, and T/A is in the .20¢ range. Pilot/Flying J is in the .05¢ range so if you have the RV Plus card you're better off using it.
I am receiving daily pricing sheets for Loves, T/A and PFJ. If you're interested in receiving one or more of them just send me a PM with your email address.