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Posts posted by wolfe10

  1. 37 minutes ago, FIVE said:

    Find a place on the interstate, away from cities, and let her drive from one rest area to the next that is not very far.  Not too much traffic, no cities, just straight and level, as we would say in the flying business....piece of cake, it would build her confidence..

    EXCELLENT advice.  It is more about confidence than skill set.

  2. NO, changing where a particular battery is located in a battery bank will not cause your issue.

    Now, if they are not hooked up properly electrically, sure that would cause problems. But two (pairs of 6 VDC batteries wired in series)  with each pair wired in parallel is very common and easy to verify.

    And any time a competent tech checking an electrical issue starts a sentence with "I THINK".....................  Sorry, you are only interested in FACTS. If wet cell batteries, spend less than $10 and get a battery hydrometer.  Fully charge them and check SG.  VERY easy and you will have the FACTS.

  3. Interesting!

    So a "low coolant" warning is displayed as a "!" above the  "low DEF" label?

    SO,  is that the display for all warnings and the LOW DEF is just one of the monitored functions and perhaps a better label than "low DEF" could be used.

    Does the display give any information other than "!"?

  4. Fixed caliper disk brakes (pistons on both sides of caliper) or sliding caliper (pistons on only one side of caliper)?

    Causes of brakes sticking are very much dependent on their design.

    Also, check if these are Bosch calipers.  And if so do they have phenolic pistons which were known to seize in their bore?

    And, please verify that it is AIR over hydraulic, not HYDRAULIC over hydraulic.

  5. Yup, bypassing the safety device should only be done after confirming that you don't have a failed cooling unit.  Running it with a failed cooling unit is a great way to burn down your RV and ONLY IF YOU ARE WILLING TO RISK A FIRE.

    Yellow powder indicated a failed cooling unit.

    The odor of ammonia indicates a failed cooling unit.

    Even if you bypass the safety device and have a failed cooling unit, there will be no cooling, just excessive temperatures in the boiler.

  6. Yes, no "here is how they are all wired".

    Some refrigerator outlets are wired for both sockets to be shore power/generator only.

    Some are wired for both sockets to be inverter OR shore power/generator (either ATS internal to inverter or on high end models, a second ATS)

    Some are wired with ONE plug shore power/generator AND THE OTHER inverter OR shore power/generator.


    Easy to check by plugging in any 120 VAC appliance to each socket behind the refrigerator with shore power and generator OFF. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, kaypsmith said:

    Reading higher than normal voltages is nearly always an indication that there is an improperly tightened ground/neutral before the first high voltage reading in an AC circuit.

    Agreed, if on 50 amp shore power (two hots) as the neutral serves as the "reference" for voltage.

    On generator, really depends on the generator.  Many are 120, not 240 VAC (one hot instead of two). In this case more likely to be the voltage regulator.

  8. 23 minutes ago, sgtjoe said:

      Is it possible when he was setting the battery type for charging that he set it to the wrong type of battery.   Would this cause the Inverter to not be able to send power to the plug?  

    In a word, NO.  That only affects the charging aspect of the inverter/charger, not inverter function.

    Have you reset the two ON INVERTER breakers?

    Do any of the circuits that previously worked on the inverter work properly?

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