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Posts posted by wolfe10

  1. jsGrafx@mac.com,

    Welcome to the FMCA Forum.

    A small research project:

    How many FMCA Conventions have there been?

    What would be the cost of "cancellation insurance" for all of them?

    In the history of FMCA conventions, how many cancellations have there been?

    Were you on the Executive Board LAST YEAR when the AZ convention was planned, would you have recommended cancellation insurance?  If so, WHY.

    Not arguing with your conclusion for the AZ convention, but please justify from their prospective why they should have known to pay for it.

    Not aware of many who would not do better with HIND SITE! But, few are gifted with it.

    No, I am not involved with FMCA management, but as a retires manager, I like to put myself in the position of making decisions based on what I know at the time, not in hind site.

  2. jccoppersmith,

    Welcome to the FMCA Forum.

    I am sure you will get a number of "what is the best toad for ME".

    Without knowing what you are towing with (i.e. towing limit) and how you use a vehicle, very difficult to tell.  Kind of like asking "what is the best car".

    Said another way, if you do off-roading, a  light-weight manual transmission toad would be a poor choice.  Only on-road driving, a Jeep at 1,500 or more pounds heavier may not be the best choice.

  3. Right NOW-- if a regular "Low silicate with added SCA coolant for diesels"  is in there, CHECK THE COOLANT.

    Test strips are readily available to check: SCA concentration, pH, freeze point. Make sure the test strips are current/not expired.

    Let us know what you find.

    Whether the filter should  be one that adds SCA or has zero units depends on the SCA concentration.  There will be times where zero units is correct and times when filters with multiple units are correct.

  4. Dthietje,

    Welcome to the FMCA Forum.

    Assume you have an electric fan on your dash A/C condenser.  If so, very likely it is powered though a RELAY with the signal to close the relay coming from the dash switch-- perhaps directly, perhaps from the same wire as turns on the A/C compressor clutch.  Start by checking the RELAY.

    Shouldn't be too difficult to trouble shoot and if is it a "signal problem" and if needed  to rig a "work around" such as relay being closed by power to the compressor clutch.

  5. 3 minutes ago, bm02tj said:

    North and south as you stated  I assume you mean  Neutral and ground  they are attached to the same metal box so are connected so Ohm meter will not show  open 

    Slight clarification.

    Neutral and ground are NOT connected at the CG pedestal.  They ARE connected at the CG main distribution box

  6. Actually, there is no one float (or absorption or bulk) mode voltage that is correct across the whole temperature range.

    Yes, if fine-tuning a charging device, BATTERY TEMPERATURE is one of the variables.  In fact, many higher-end inverter chargers offer an optional battery temperature probe that automatically updates the battery temperature.


  7. The good news is that an RV 50 amp outlet is EASY to identify:


    Two straights (E-W) are hots

    Center straight is neutral

    Center round is ground

    SO,  E to W= 240 VAC

    E or W to either center straight or round= 120 VAC

    Center straight to center round= 0 VAC


  8. Richard,

    Indeed state motor vehicle regulations are a huge factor in ruling out venues. 

    Most are very highly influenced by vehicle dealers within each state and many are written to give them very "protected" status.

    So, many limit the ability of out of state dealers to sell within the existing dealer's state.

    Similarly, many states severely restrict a manufacturer's ability to add/move a dealerships to a new location. - I was involved in a buy/sell with a relocation of 5 miles from original location.  It took 3 years to get approved!

    Same goes for a vehicle manufacturer NOT being able to sell directly, but are required to go through dealers.

    Certainly nothing FMCA can do about this.

  9. greamie,

    Your chassis manufacturer speced and installed the fuel filter(s).  All Caterpillar speced is that the fuel be filtered to 2 microns. Absolutely two filters and a manual primer pump is the BEST filter arrangement.  But, sometimes accountants, not just engineers get involved in these kind of decisions.

    So  whether one or two and whether there is a manual primer pump or not is up to your chassis maker.  Suggest you contact them with your VIN.

  10. Again, the members of the Executive Board are the policy makers for FMCA. The Executive Board is made up of  a national President, national Senior VP, Area VP's, national Treasurer and national Secretary. And, the major decision for the organization are decided by the Governing Board.

    Staff merely implements policies established by the Executive Board/Governing Board. That even applies to the senior staff position-- the CEO. To expect that he can change policy is not reasonable. In this case "not my job" clearly applies (even if he has ideas on what HE would change).

    If you have positive recommendations, e-mail THEM-- the members of the Executive Board-- they work for YOU. https://governance.fmca.com/officers.html


    Please do not read this as my agreement with all FMCA policies, but we need to keep clear what staff can and can not affect.

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