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  1. OK, so the windshield to my Monaco Cayman needed to be replaced. The people that the insurance sent to replace it, well to put it nicely, didn't do such a great job. We need to get it replaced, again. Does anybody in the NY metro area know of a competent shop that can replace RV windshields. I tried Campers Barn in Kingston but they don't do glass. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
  2. OK, so this may seem like a dumb question. It is great that campgrounds allow dogs. But you can't leave them unattended in your motorhome -- at least that's what the rules say. So, how do you go sightseeing or out to dinner if you decide to bring your dog who is traveling with you? Just wondering.
  3. Thanks all....seems the fluid was low. Will add some and see what happens (fingers crossed).
  4. Hey Bill....the first time I heard H E double hockey sticks was when radar said it on MASH Might have to try the ice cube trick
  5. We have an 07 Monaco Cayman. We have been having a problem with the jacks down alarm. This happened as we were driving down the interstate a couple of years ago. The jacks were up but the alarm kept sounding. The dealer said that everything was fine and we didn't have any further problem until now. We retract the jacks and visually they seem to be all the way up. As soon as we put the coach into drive the alarm starts going off. It is quite nerve wracking. Anybody have any ideas as to what the problem could be? thanks
  6. Ron...it actually went through our warranty company. The dealer kept insisting that nothing was wrong until the truck mechanic got on the phone. Brett...I think it was a different design but will share the info with my hubby-he was in the shop when it was repaired. safe travels!
  7. I have an 07 Monaco Cayman...the first trip we took the coach was very hard to handle and it was a very hard ride. Took it back to the dealer who said everything was fine. Finally took it to a truck shop and they discoverd the one trailing arm was broken. Upon further investigation we discovered that there was a recall on this. Once everything was fixed, the coach handled much better.
  8. I live just outstide of NYC...I would not do the 287/87 route. Wayne has the right idea. The other option would be to stay on 81 directly to 84.
  9. Thanks for all the tips!! While I have driven the MH for short bursts on the Interstate, I really need to step up and start doing more driving. My biggest problem (read fear) is not the length of the coach but the width. I am always afraid that I am not going to stay in my lane. I guess I need practice and more practice
  10. My humble opinion would be to take I 64 to I 81 north...than take I 84 to Conneticut. This will bypass the Baltimore/Jersey turnpike traffic. I also find I-81 to be more scenic than the Jersey turnpike.
  11. I am in Southern NY thanks for the replies!!
  12. After a rough year of not using our motorhome, it is time to get out and about. The problem is that I will need to do the driving. I have driven it a bit but am not sure if I am ready for the open road. Does anyone know of any RV driving schools? I love my husband but I dont think it will go so well if he tries to teach me how to drive. I have watched how-to videos but feel I still need more. The motorhome is a Class A diesel. Thanks
  13. My son wants a new pet ... I need one that can travel with us. We have a Saint Bernard at home who doesn't travel, so I cant get another dog. Hubby is allergic to cats, so that rules them out. Any ideas? We were thinking about guinea pigs ...
  14. I have a 07 Monaco Cayman that was not part of the recall. Shortly after purchase, we noted the coach didn't handle right. Back and forth it went to the dealer for service-they thought it was alignment, ride height etc. My husband finally took it to a truck suspension/alignment shop and to our surprise they called us an hour later and said that the rear trailing arm was broken and the coach was not safe to drive. There was evidence that it had been broken for a while. I was very upset because we owned the coach for about 5 weeks and how did it pass inspection??? The dealer would not take responsibility for it...Monaco shipped the part and our serice contract picked up the labor. Still feel let down by the dealer... have to wonder because ours was not part of the recall???? I notified NHTSB and others but nobody seemed to care
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