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  1. I have read all the discussion and I have a similar problem, just a different question. I have the Xite Solutions unit with the Rand GPS as part of the unit. The Rand GPS is hopelessly out of date and I can’t get Naviextras to ever answer my emails. I gave up on Riverpark years ago. They would just say, “Go see your dealer.” So, I thinking of throwing the whole thing out and using it as a wheel chock, as some of you have said. My question is, if I want to use my iPhone for navigating, how do you plug it into a larger screen? I have the software on the phone and I have unlimited data, so that’s not a problem. It’s just that these old eyes can’t see a 6 inch screen very well. Any suggestions?
  2. We have a Alfa SeeYa 2004 that we love. Right now it's in good shape - I have kept up with the maintenance and I have done several renovations (e.g., replaced the old frig with a residential frig, replaced the inverter/converter, etc.). However, it is 14 years old (well, actually, 15 - it came off the factory assembly line August 2003). Of course, Alfa is no longer in business, and many of the components (e.g., the Generac generator) are no longer made. I'm 70 years old, but I expect to motorhome at least 10 more years, and hopefully longer than that. So, my question is, do I just keep my Alfa and continue to keep it up, or do I try to go with something new? What is your experience in keeping older motorhomes running - getting parts, getting people to work on them, etc.? Obviously, this one is almost paid for, while if I buy new I would be going in debt again big time. I get that piece. It is the other, the more practical side, of keeping something 14 years old, no matter how well maintained, properly running. I'll appreciate your thoughts.
  3. Thank you! I was planning to have my passports just in case - now I will make it more than a "just in case." I appreciate the tip and I'll add this to the "must-do" list.
  4. Good points. That is why I am planning a year in advance. To be able to make reservations, I need to know where I going. E.g., Yellowstone - north, east or west? Tetons before or after Yellowstone? Lots of details for this 45 day trip.
  5. I was indeed stationed at Plattsburgh AFB - for 3 years. Good assignment, even with the cold. However, I'm no relation to the Perrys in Morrisonville, that I know of.
  6. Thanks, Ed. Good points and I have filed all of that in my trip planning. I appreciate the tips on the RV parks, too. Wayne
  7. Ross, don't know anything about the CM Russell museum in Great Falls. I'll definitely have to look it up. We are already planning to spend a day or two in Cody. And maybe a day a bit further south in Thermopolis. Supposed to be the world's largest hot springs there. We have a total of 45 days allocated to this trip, so we want to see what we can in that time period. Living in Alabama, going west of Texas is a major trip for us.
  8. Tony, great tips. Thank you. I had not thought about the oil boom and what that can mean. Bill, I haven't really thought much about the trip home. We don't need to return through the Denver/Fort Collins area. Based on the route you proposed, I would want to stop off in Cody and Thermopolis on the way home - the Wyoming tourist book makes it seem like those are sights to see. Not sure what else would be a do-not-miss between Northwest Montana and Alabama.
  9. Bill, we are starting from the Montgomery, Alabama area and will probably take the most direct route to Denver (actually near Fort Collins - we have family in that area). And I do very much appreciate your detail of your trip. That is most helpful. The big question is how did you get from Yellowstone to I-90 to go to Glacier? What are the roads like on that side of the mountains? Thanks for your help here. Wayne
  10. Thanks, Bill. That is certainly an option. I do plan to go to Little Bighorn Battlefield, too, as you suggested. I just know from what others have said that I will need to make my reservations for campgrounds and some special activities months in advance. That is why I am trying to plan all of this out now. If I were to wait until next April or May, I might not be able to get reservations. Keep those suggestions coming. This is very helpful.
  11. Thanks! I'll add the float trip to my must-do list. I appreciate that bit of info. And now I know what roads to look at so this is looking better and better. I appreciate your suggestions.
  12. From one Alabama Wayne to another, let me know how it goes. I will be making a similar trip next year, and I'm looking for similar information.
  13. Thanks for the tips. We had planned on using the car for most of the trips and not trying to sight-see via motorhome. Hadn't considered that all of Glacier wouldn't be open by June, but I should have known from the time I was stationed in northern New York, 20 miles south of the Canadian border, while I was in the Air Force. So, from Colter Bay I assume you go west to I-15 and then north to I-90 to get to Glacier. But how do you get from Colter Bay to I-15? On my maps I don't see any major roads. Your motorhome is about the same size as mine, so if you can make it I can. Wayne Perry 2004 Alfa SeeYa 38' Cat 3126E 330 HP
  14. I am planning now for a trip to Glacier NP in June & July 2016. I have never been in the Rockies, though I have driven the the Appalachians in the East. We plan to drive from Alabama to see family in Denver (2-3 days there), and go to Yellowstone & Grand Tetons (5-7 days there), Glacier (2-3 days there), and then Mount Rushmore/Crazy Horse (3 days). We could do it in that order or we could go in the reverse. What would be the best way to get from Yellowstone to Glacier? That will be important as I look for campgrounds. Some people seem to like West Yellowstone, some seem to like other areas. The way to get from Yellowstone to Glacier will influence which campgrounds I try to get into. I do know to take it easy and not plan for more than 300 miles in any day - probably less in the mountains. Any suggestions you can give will be most appreciated. Wayne Alfa SeeYa 38' 2012 Ford Focus Toad
  15. I have a new 2012 Ford Focus, and like some others, evidently, I did not realize I had to disconnect the neg. lead until after I got home and read the owners manual. I looked at the Roadmaster switch; it specifically says it is NOT for the 2012 and later Focus. From all everyone is saying, disconnecting the battery is going to be a major pain, not only for the connect and disconnect itself, but also having to reset all the electronics (radio, cell phone, etc.) every time I tow. Since the new base plate is going to cost me right at $2000 plus what ever the additional wiring to make my Brake Buddy Classic work, what are the down sides of using a tow dolly? That seems like it may be the simplest solution at this point but since I don't know much about using a tow dolly, there may be something I am not aware of. Any thoughts on using a tow dolly for the auto tranny Focus?
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