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Posts posted by GM.Engineer

  1. Nick, been trying to get into a new GM truck since 2006 but not willing to buy one with less 'nice' features than the 2002 LT had. Each year more is cut from interior and in last couple of years (anything made after last half of 2010 cannot be dinghy towed) GM cut out dinghy tow. Email me with any 2002 2500HD LT ExtCab 4x4 loaded 6.6' bed excellent condition leads that have proper config to be dinghy towed since USA no longer makes loaded trucks that can be dinghy towed.


    1. How many miles do you typically dinghy tow your vehicle yearly?

    ~7k starting in last few years, will be more each following year as leave is accrued, and subsequently hopefully full-time.

    2. What is the total tow mileage you have on your vehicle now?


    3. What is the total tow mileage you expect to put on the vehicle before you upgrade to a new vehicle?

    300-foreverk since have no choice since USA loaded trucks are no longer made to dinghy tow and harder to find beds not shorter than 6.6.

    Will probably by a 2014 King Ranch loaded and use this 2002 for dinghy since I cannot buy a new loaded GM truck on par with 2002 that can be dinghy towed. Plus in last decade the GM interior is void of storage, center console AC ducks to rear of cab gone which also made center console a cooler and allowed driver to control air for riders not capable to, manual knobs for nav, radio and such that GM 2002 and FORD has.

    Right now I have some diesel used truck dealers searching for GM 2500's with dinghy tow transmittions with great facts and low mileage. Ideally something like this survey and free text should be sent to current early 2k model year owners to inquire why not getting new GM trucks. The RV camps and farm equipment lots used to be nearly all GM, but since mid 2000's our plea's to stop stripping features have been ignored resulting in seeing less and less GM's.

    I put off buying a new GM over the years in order to wait for GM features to return like arm rests, large door storage can hold safety gear such as harnesses, goggles, welding gloves, kiddie fire ext. , leashes, large metal flashlights, and pliers all in deep wide wells that are not wind or bump affected, multiple interior roof storage bins, ebony interior colors for roof and pillars, black wheel fenders to protect paint from carts, tools, drawers, tie down straps, geez ... endless list of features now gone; but I'm stunned and shocked that dinghy tow was taken away while I was waiting for the standard features to return. Also, why in new trucks is the DEF under the hood instead of more accessible place next to gas pump inlet? I know, ranting, sorry ... our entire family has been loyal GM since 1950's and miffed this generation of the family is being forced into a FORD that cannot be dinghy towed either in order to spare wear on GM trucks that can be dinghy towed. Just in case someone actually cares, interiors with chrome trim, wood trim, etc. are too reflective/blinding and get too hot, look at the loaded 2002 truck, absolutely perfect, more perfect if it had the holes for cool air in the seats ... awh heck ... heat/cool air in rear seats too would be grand. My generation has the money and the most populous at present, and we're not fans of having to take eyes off road or stop on bumpy roads to use touch screen technology, offer both knobs as well as touch screen. Oh, Honda has the best and largest NAV screens ... hint hint.

    4. When towing, what is the average amount of time between stops? (be it restroom or fuel)?

    30 min just enough time to refuel and do safety checks

    5. How often do you stop for a period of 10 min or more? (be it restroom, stretch, eat, fuel)?

    2-3 hours depends on mpg, only stop to refuel RV/bus.

    6. What is your preferred cruising speed?

    70-75 empty highway, 55-65 or in tandum with other traffic in more congested areas.

    7. Do you use a rock shield?


    8. Where does the rock shield mount (bumper,towbar,dinghy, or... so what type)?

    n/a, but if I did, would be on tow bar so could use for any vehicle towed.

    So, I really don't want to drail the intent of this thread. However, I will very briefly comment.

    Any of our RWD based trucks that have 2 spd tcases (which have a neutral state) are "supposed to be" dinghy towable. You bring to light, the lack of info out there on the 2500 series trucks in the owners manual. (1500/3500 series have sections in the owners manual specifying what models can be towed) I am working with the tcase and owners manual group on updating the information. I'd expect we would release a bulletin as a supplemental to the owners manuals (short term) with the additional info so dealers can share with customers who inquire. I will try to let you know when this happens. Please wait to do so, as this would be the documentation you require stating that a 2500 series is towable.

  2. Hi Nick, I was wondering if you could give us an idea of the impact of the data so far.

    I don't have much to share. The info I've seen so far, supports what I expected for answers. I'm highly confident that our testing standards ensure that we met and exceeded customer expectations with regards to transmission specific dinghy towing durability.

    I've compiled some of the data. I'll have to revisit it, recompile and potentially post a plot of the info sometime in the future.

  3. I have a question: Is it necessary to remove the DLIS fuse for short towing trips 200-350 miles?

    What affect would not removing the DLIS fuse have?

    When you turn the key and put the ignition in the accessory position, it can drain the battery over time. Removing the DLIS fuse, when towing, removes the power to the BCM causing the ignition relay to open which stops the battery from going dead. Hard to say if in 200-350 miles the battery would drain the battery too much.

  4. My name is Nick. I work on the new 6T30/40/45/50 fwd 6 speeds at General Motors within transmission development. In particular, I'm in charge of validation for dinghy towing.

    I'm after some feedback, regardless of vehicle make, about the vehicle you currently dinghy tow (or have towed in the past).

    1. How many miles do you typically dinghy tow your vehicle yearly?

    2. What is the total tow mileage you have on your vehicle now?

    3. What is the total tow mileage you expect to put on the vehicle before you upgrade to a new vehicle?

    4. When towing, what is the average amount of time between stops? (be it restroom or fuel)?

    5. How often do you stop for a period of 10 min or more? (be it restroom, stretch, eat, fuel)?

    6. What is your preferred cruising speed?

    7. Do you use a rock shield?

    8. Where does the rock shield mount (bumper,towbar,dinghy, or... so what type)?

    Your feedback would be greatly appreciated, which will help me better tune our internal testing requirements to better meet and exceed actual customer usage.

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