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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Here is the website for Lone Star Chapter. http://www.lonestarchapter.net/ClubLinks/RallyDates.html If you don't see something that interest you look at The Red River Rovers website. http://www.redriverrovers.com/rally.html You missed the Bounder Rally we just had in Mar. We have one scheduled for June. http://www.txlsb.com/index.php?p=1_36_Rally-Schedule-2018 Bill
  2. I bet the sidewall sayes 275/80R22.5 http://www.hankooktire.com/my/trucks-bus/hankook-ah22.html Bill
  3. First of all why would you go on a long trip without your toad? I would listen to jleamont as that is his backyard, he knows the area. You are seriously overestimating your travel time. In a RV you will average 50mph. From your secret location in NH. to MB is going to be 20+ hours driving time. That isn't counting rest stops, stopping for meals or fuel. I would cross the Hudson on the Tappan Z. and use that rout on the way home to. Why would you go on a long trip without your toad? Bill
  4. See I told you you would see lights. Bill
  5. Try a few shots of this to help enhance your perception of the lights. + Bill
  6. I would try the one in Kalamazoo and see how you like it. Bill
  7. There is a sine there somewhere, that it takes at least 6 Moose Drools to make the lights visible. Bill
  8. Most of us don't need a drawing to understand your position. Lets keep this on track. How do you calculate mileage when under sail. Bill
  9. Yes a good 1/2 or 3/4 drive impact and a socket should work without messing up the flange. Bill
  10. Here are a few to look at. https://www.amazon.com/Prime-Seating-Leather-Truck-Suspension/dp/B00BMHEZCY Bill
  11. Welcome to the forum. Glad you got it straighten out. Bill
  12. There is a possibility the only thing wrong is some debris in the sealing ring on the valve. With everything drained and rinsed take the valve apart and look. It should be possible to loosen the valc top without damaging the tank seal by using a impact wrench to break the top loose. Put a dab of anti seize on the threads when you go back together. Bill
  13. Unfortunately, if you have no records you should assume it needs to be done. Bill
  14. Welcome to the forum. The place you are staying is just east of Glacier Meadow RV Park where we stayed while exploring the eastern entrance/side of the park. Have a great trip. Both Whitefish and Columbia Falls have some good restaurants. Bill
  15. They did deserve a cold beer for their efforts. I am waiting for the OP Brianreed to get back to us and see if it was just a bad sensor. There was a guy at one of the rallys last year preshure washing peoples black and gray tanks. So there are people out there doing that kind of service. Bill
  16. Call the local Freightliner shop. They probably have some in stock. The local shop always has some on display in the parts department. Bill
  17. You could make money if you would show the video of how you drove the RV to get more agitation. The soap and calgon as I suggested before would probably do more good. How is this out of context? By the way adding more water will raise the ice so it doesn't come in contact with the stuff stuck on the bottom. Bill
  18. Welcome to the forum. Yes, Rev Group would be the best have your serial number handy. Bill
  19. You realise you can look at the road using Google street view? That close I have taken the toad and pre driven it including the new campground. Bill
  20. Well they did push the electrical box under the RV out of the direct rain. Bill
  21. This guy has a couple of videos out that show the reality of your black tank. I think you will find them informative. Bill
  22. Yes we had a cold spell last couple of days but should be close to 80 today. I mowed the lawn yesterday. Ok truth is I had the lawn crew mow. They are on the job so I can leave town at any time and not worry about mowing. We have had the coach out for a short rally way out in Aledo Texas . But that was only 5 days last month. Joe, you off the grid campers know no limits. Bill
  23. The ice trick sounds good but is a fantasy as the ice is just floating in the water(good video on youtube) and the ice realey does not do anything. I don't use chemicals all the time but if you have a layer of sludge(You need to look and see, maybe use a probe) The chemicals will help break up the sludge. Well so will Dawn dish washing soap and some Calgon water softener. The black tank is a "holding tank" not a septic system. Get the clear section of 3" pipe so you can see what is coming out. Bill
  24. Several things come to mind. First you are LUCKY it still drains as that makes it more unpleasant to fix. I would NOT trust the tank level sensors. They are almost always wrong. I would look down the toilet with a bright light and see what is going on/is it realey 1/4 full? Do you have a clear elbow or clear piece of 3" pipe so you can see what the water coming out looks like. http://www.campingworld.com/45-degree-clear-hose-adapter?rrec=true They come in different configurations so you can find one that works. Now fill the black tank about 3/4 full and add a couple of packets of the chemicals to break up waste. http://www.campingworld.com/search?keyword=black+tank+chemicals it woulden't hurt to "over treat" the tank to get it clean. Would be nice if you could drive it around a little to agatate the mix. If not just watie a day or so and drain and flush and see how it looks. Bill
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