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    Pittsburgh,Pa was starting point

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  1. We always stay outside the strand area and are currently setting at Willow Tree Campground in Longs Sc. Close enough to the beach and shows and golf yet far enough away for peaceful evening. Beautiful park large sites and friendly staff.
  2. I have the Hydra lift installed on my 40'dp Monaco Diplomat and I haul an ultra limited have had no or experience any different handling. I did add 5 more pounds of air into the rear tires.
  3. We have pulled a tandem tow dolly for the past couple years and just sold it this year not because we didn't like it but because the width of our new toad did not fit. We purchased ours at the manufacture located in Morissville NC. We towed a GMC Envoy and I hauled a HD Ultra on the platform. Hope this helps.
  4. Has anyone stayed at Blue Water Key RV Resort? We are looking to spend the month of November in. 40-foot diesel pusher. What did you like? What didn't you care for? Thanks.
  5. Ditto on ACC they refused to cover us on repairs that were to be covered also and cancelled our policy that we had paid in full. They were to refund our money and now 6 months later still have not received the money.
  6. Welcome,we are about 9 months into this fulltime lifestyle and we are loving it. The freedom to come and go and not be tied down to one place. Wish you all the luck and enjoy.
  7. Evansj2 that is the tandem dolly that we use and have not experienced any issues. We haul a HD Ultra and tow a GMC Envoy. We load the bike then the car and at first it took a little time but the wife and I got it all worked out and we load and unload rather quickly. The only negative I can say and it has nothing to do with the dolly is the fact that with the car on there is no backing up at all. Good luck.
  8. As a recently retired Pa Trooper and DOT inspector and proud owner of a DP over the magic number of 26001lbs yes a non-cdl class B license is required. I can also agree that most troopers don't get concerned with class of license until they have you stopped on the side of the road or at a accident scene then within minutes they will know what license the driver should have. Years of inspecting CMV I can say I never looked at a RV unless it was being used as a CMV. It comes down to if you don't plan on being stopped do you need to get the proper license-- probably not but its quite a risk because should you be stopped not only do you risk getting a citation the Trooper is not going to allow you to drive your coach from the stop. Good luck.
  9. We live in western Pa and can tell you that over the past 30 some years by end of April the severe weather (snow) is done. You will get some rain and thunder but its mild. We are currently setting in Georgia left Florida last week starting the trek back north not planning on arriving back in Pa until mid April. Enjoy your trip it's a beautiful state
  10. Avoid ACC warranty we have had nothing but bad with the company to the point that we asked for a refund and the owner said he would refund our money that was over a month ago and still have not received it. Will be filing civil suit. Research research research.
  11. Our Norcold 1200 quit on us last night (no power) checked all fuses breakers all was good. We had the recall done in September 2012 never had a problem until now. Called Norcold and of course there response was how do you know it's the recall box and not something else. Called local camping shop here in Orlando and was told that the black box could be reset and with a magnet held against the black box for a minute sure enough the box reset and the red light went out and the fridge is working fine. So a huge thank you goes out to the local rv repair shop for the information and saving us a $95.00 service call. Not sure if this will help anyone but it sure helped us and saved a fridge full of food
  12. ACC warranty, we purchased it last year paid the amount for four years coverage. We tried to use it last month for some repairs that were to be covered and the claim was denied. Been trying to deal with ACC president who is rude and full of lies. Claimed he was going to send parts directly to us for replacement 3 weeks later still no parts thank goodness were not setting in a repair lot. Long sad story short two weeks ago he claimed in writing he was going to refund the money we paid for the coverage that has not happened yet so our next step will be made by our attorney. We have learned out lesson from now on we will put money aside for unexpected repairs.
  13. Not sure this will help you but we are currently spending the winter in Florida at a park called Citrus Valley Resort. There are several houses that you speak of here listed for sale. The resort is located of of us27 between Clermont and Orlando. Hope this helps
  14. Good morning, I have spent months search various forums, web sites looking over the milepost, reading others' advice and, well, I must admit that if my daughter did not live in Fairbanks the DW and I would not be planning this trip. I truly believe the travel up and back will provide some of the best scenery ever, but our my concern truly is the possible damage to the coach. We will be traveling in our 40-foot diesel pusher towing, which not sure on the towing part, but being that we do plan to be there for a few months and hate to be stuck relying on the daughter to taxi. Anyways we are currently in Orlando will be leaving here end of March then plan to leave western Pa end of April with intent to be on the Alaskan hwy. the end of May. I have read on this forum and other many of you have made the trip and many have said you would do it again what about the horror story's of chipped windshields marred paint damage? Would you leave the toad behind? Anyone else planning the trek during our extended time? The plan when we get there is to park the coach at a campground in Fairbanks for the entire time. Would you folks recommend getting reservations now? We are looking at Rivers Edge RV Resort anyone familiar? Thanks
  15. OBS66

    Do You KOA?

    I am setting in a KOA right now in Mt Pleasant SC waiting out the rain from Sandy. Our first time in this KOA and it has been a joy spacious pull thru site 50amp service southern hospitality. We have been here 5 days and will be pulling out Monday. Our neighbors have been here a month and informed us they visit this location often. We will also return. Of the KOA we have stayed at several over the past few years this one is at the top of the list.
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