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About marchuckb@aol.com

  • Birthday 12/28/1937

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    St. claire shores, MI.
  • Interests
    Golf and travel( that's y I have a MH. HAHA

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  1. George's body shop geat serve. Location in St. Ignace, MI. U.P. 906 643 8464 They will come to you.they have certified technician!
  2. Yes Bill. I know where all of my EXITS are after 13 years with same MH . Yes they all open. Also add a second fire extinguisher is also good.\idea! Thanks for the reminder some off us forget. Happy trips to you. Chuck
  3. This could be very dangerous when you're locked in. A chances of fire is always present. This was a metal part that broke inside the lock. There's no way of reaching it from inside the coach. The door must be opened from the outside! This is the only way. You can NOT push the striker backfrom inside the MH. The lock will not move out because of the bolts securing it to the door frame these bolts slide into the striker plate. I was informed that there is a recall on these locks. Please check with the company that manufactured the lock. Thank you, Chuck
  4. No> this is on the entrance door of the MH.
  5. Locked out is a lot better the locked In! I suggest that you change this lock asap. chuck 2003 Damon intruder.
  6. Yes it is. Go ebay they have it there.
  7. marchuckb,

    Please do not start  a new thread on the same subject.

    Best  answer is to "copy" your new thread post and post it on your existing thread.



  8. Locked in! Probably, you have never been locked in your motor home? You have been locked out but never locked in! Believe me, this is something you do want to have happen to you! This experience happened to me in October on a Saturday with fresh fallen snow in Petoskey MI. When I tried to open the door and take some pictures I could NOT , At first I thought that the door had frozen But soon realized that the handle would not pull the spring bolt back so the door could open. I had no idea who to call. Does your lock look like these pictures? (p 1) If it does, you could be locked in! However, you thinking no problem, just remove the screws on the inside, and push the lock right out -not a problem! That is if you have the screwdriver that will fit the star screws they used to hold the lock in.(p 2) Wrong! The two bolts protruding from the lock slide into a plate so that the door will line up when closed. These bolts have an enlarged end that will not allow this to happen.(p 3 & 4) What happened to my lock? Part of the spring bolt that the handled connects to broke off and could not retract it so the spring held the bolt in place! Door locked! Only way out is through the fire escape windows! To the computer!! Look up locksmith on a Saturday afternoon. First two or three calls were not helpful, finally asking for recommendations found someone who could help me. After several tries and a little scratching of the motor home, he was able to push the spring bolt back into the lock so I could push open the door. He removed the spring-loaded part from the lock and we were able to use the locks deadbolt feature to keep the door closed, not as good as the spring bolt, but it worked until I got home and ordered a new lock. Replacing the lock No problem, take out the old one and put in a new one and done. Wrong again, first of all the screws are special requiring a special screwdriver. Secondly, the protruding bolts that line up the door are of a different size and will not fit in the existing plate. Again, NO problem just replace the plate. Wrong again, you have to disassemble the door jam to get the plate in place. BIG JOB!!! Next possibility is remove the bolts and install the old ones and then adjust according. What I realized is there are locking screws on these bolts. Again a special driver is needed to remover or loosen the locking screws so I could back out the bolts, install old bolts in new lock adjust the proper length, tighten locking screws and you’re done! The new lock is a redesign! I hope that I will not have this problem again. Charles Broedell F283362
  9. The part broke.! Lube will NOT fix that. It is L shaped and it broke off at the apex. leaving me nothing to retract the spring bolt with.
  10. This experience happened to me in October on a Saturday with fresh fallen snow in Petoskey MI. When I tried to open the door and take some pictures I could NOT. At first I thought that the door had frozen but soon realized that the handle would not pull the spring bolt back so the door could open. First picture is the outside of the lock to identify it. Second, is the inside of a lock, and it shows the star screws that I referred to. Third, shows the end of the lock giving further confirmation of what it looks like.( Spring bold is missing) Fourth, shows a striker plate and the new bolts and why they will not pass through the striker plate, and why the lock cannot be pushed out of the door from the inside. The only way out is to push the spring bolt back is from the outside. The part in the lock that retracts it BROKE OFF! Fifth, is a picture of our motor home, of course not taken at the same time, this was taken in the spring of 2015 in Indiana on our way back from a three month trip down south. Just included it to show one to many beautiful Parks we have in the United States! I think this is a very dangerous situation and going to try to send it to Department of Transportation maybe there should be a recall on the these locks. This lock was manufactured by TriMack and a replacement can be found on eBay. Charles Broedell F283362
  11. to all the people out there. When u invest over $50,000 in a "tent" you are no longer a camper!
  12. see my post on the 2013 Explorer. marchuckb@aol.com
  13. I had 99 and 2003 now has 2011 they tow great. Before 2010(I think) for dealer had to add a module to the car approx $200. Shift to "N" push button and off you go. This is on 4 wheel drive only. Also see my post on the 2013 Ford Explorer. marchuckb@aol.com
  14. Hi. Had a problem with 2011 Explore front drive. After many trips to the dealer and with Ford ex off they finally admitted that they could not repair the problem. That was, that if you towed for the 5 hours like the book says you must start the engine and run for 5 min to lube the trans. This may also be true but you are also charging the battery!!! If you are on the road and stop for an hour and the finish the towing interval of 5 hours it has been 6 hours and the battery will be dead. The solution to this problem is to remove fuse # 86. It is 7.5 amp. You must stop after 5 hours and lube trans but the battery will not be dead if you are on the road for longer. If at night you connect the car and put it in the tow position by am the battery will be dead if you do not remove this fuse! This is my third Explore and this is the only problem I have had. Great car and very dependable. marchuckbaol.com
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