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  1. I placed the poll on IRV2 because there are more users with more activity on IRV2 than there is on the FMCA forum. By placing the poll on IRV2 it is capturing interest from across the spectrum. Yes I am asking about forming an FMCA chapter of Super C owners because the current FMCA diesel chapters do not consider Super C owners, they only consider diesel pushers when planning their activities. Believe it or not I do know what I am doing. BTW, IRV2, FYI, is another forum and is not a RV group having specific chapter such as Escapees or FMCA. Thanks for the comment.
  2. I would like to know how many folks would be interested in starting an FMCA Super C chapter. Most times at rallies where manufacturers such as Freightliner are present their classes and presentations are geared towards the diesel pushers and not Super C owners on S2RV, M2 106 chassis or the Ford F550 Super Cs to name a few. I have posted a poll in the Class C section of IRV2 to gauge interest in the formation of a chapter. The link to the poll is http://www.irv2.com/forums/f87/fmca-super-c-chapter-469212.html
  3. The harness used for my 2019 Grand Cherokee Trailhawk was a Roadmaster Universal Harness 154. Works fine.
  4. According to the Jeep website Active Grille Shutters are not available on the Cherokee Trailhawk. They are standard on other trim packages such as the Upland and the Limited.
  5. I just had my 2019 Grand Cherokee Trailhawk outfitted and they used a Roadmaster harness kit for the lights. The kit used was the Roadmaster Universal Kit 154. No issues so far and the installation was done a month ago.
  6. I know there is a thread about formation of a Type B Chapter, however, is there any interest in forming a chapter for the owners of B or C coaches. I have found that when attending chapter events or rallies the discussion tend to move towards the interests of Class A owners and those interests may not pertain to Class B or C owners. I have already contacted FMCA about forming a chapter and have received the chapter formation package. The question now is the level of interest. For informational purposes I am located in the Mid Atlantic area (Central Virginia).
  7. One: David Stankovic Two: US Army Three: 20 years 10 days (June 1974 - July 1994) Four: ISG (E8) Five: Ordnance Six: Europe, Korea, Middle East (Egypt & Jordan), Md, Tx, Ky, Tx, Md, Tx, NY Have a good and safe Veteran's Day weekend.
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