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Posts posted by Jon796

  1. I'm retired now, but when I worked as a police officer in New York and something like this happened, on the accident report we would just write "unknown" under location. No one ever had a problem with their insurance company that I know of. The insurance company wants you to report it to prevent fraud.

  2. I found this online. It may answer some questions.




    Note: This fact sheet is subject to revision. Please revisit this web site for updates.


    What is the purpose of this fact sheet? Single-unit vehicles in California, including motorhomes, may be up to 40 feet in length. Single-unit motorhomes that are over 40 feet, up to 45 feet, are legal in California, but only on certain routes. (For simplicity, we refer to these as 45-foot motorhomes.) This fact sheet addresses 45-foot motorhomes. (Note: A vehicle combination, e.g. a motorhome towing a vehicle or trailer, may be up to 65 feet length. If the single-unit motorhome is 40 feet or less in length, the combination is not subject to the 45-foot motorhome restrictions.)The primary purpose of this fact sheet is to enhance communication between Caltrans, the motorhome industry, and motorhome customers regarding legal, engineering, and safety issues.

    Are 45-foot motorhomes legal in California? Yes. On October 9, 2001, Governor Davis signed Assembly Bill 67 which legalized motorhomes over 40 feet in length, up to 45 feet, on certain routes, effective immediately.

    What is a motorhome? A motorhome is a noncommercial passenger vehicle defined in the California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 465 as a "house car" and commonly referred to as a recreation vehicle. CVC 362 defines "house car" as "a motor vehicle originally designed, or permanently altered, and equipped for human habitation, or to which a camper has been permanently attached." A motorhome should not to be confused with a bus (CVC 233) or a tour bus (CVC 612), also called "motorcoach," which is used for commercial passenger transportation and requires a commercial driver license to operate. See also Public Utilities Code 5360-5379.5 and 226.

    What driver license is required to drive a 45-foot motorhome? AB 67 requires a motorhome endorsement on a noncommercial class B driver license issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

    How do I apply for the noncommercial class B license? Click on this DMV web site for commercial vehicle licensing and scroll down to these three topics: "How to apply for a noncommercial driver license," "Requirements for a Noncommercial Class B driver permit," and "Requirements for a Noncommercial Class B driver license." The driver must pass a written and skills examination (i.e. a driving test), submit a specified medical form, and pay a $34 fee. You may use the DMV booklet Recreational Vehicles & Trailers (DL-648) to prepare for the exam. The booklet is available at the local DMV field offices that test motorhomes. To set up an appointment, or locate a booklet, you may call DMV at 1-800-777-0133.

    How long is the license valid? The medical exam must be repeated every two years. The license is valid for approximately five years.

    What about out-of-state drivers?Non-residents visiting California may not operate a 45-foot motorhome unless in possession of an out-of-state driver license authorizing the operation of that vehicle. Possible additional requirements are under review; you may read the Vehicle Code on-line (see "California Law" section below) or you may call the California Highway Patrol at (916) 445-1865 to discuss non-resident license requirements.

    Sign #


    For more information on service access, see the fact sheet Service Access Routes.


    Where can I read AB 67? AB 67 is on the web site of the Legislative Counsel of California at this link: AB 67.

    What is the California Vehicle Code? California Law consists of the State Constitution, Statutes, and 29 codes covering various subject areas. Legal requirements for vehicles are included in the California Vehicle Code (CVC).

    How did AB 67 change the CVC? AB 67 changed or added the following CVC sections:




    Outreach committee.

    12804.9 (B)(2)(F)

    Class B driver license.


    Class B driver license. House car endorsement -- written exam, driving test, and medical exam.


    Nonresident requirements. Endorsement requirements, fees and license expiration date.

    14100 (a)

    Administrative hearings.

    35400 (B) (10)

    Route access. Service access.

    Where can I read the CVC? The CVC is on the Internet at this link: CVC - Table of Contents. Scroll down to see the section numbers on the right, and click on the appropriate links.


    How was the bus and motorhome route network developed? Federal legislation enacted in 1991 allowed 45-foot buses on the National Network of federally funded highways, primarily the Interstates. In 1995, as a result of an engineering analysis, many additional miles of California State highway opened to 45-foot buses. (See Caltrans’ fact sheet "45-Foot Buses" for more information.)

    Why are some state routes restricted? Caltrans has authority to limit certain State routes to certain types of vehicles "on the basis of safety and an engineering analysis," per CVC 35401.5(d). Safety is the primary concern when considering vehicle performance on a route. Larger vehicles need a wider area to maneuver safely. If space is limited, it creates an unacceptable safety hazard for adjacent property, vehicles, and pedestrians, but especially for oncoming traffic. Engineers must take all factors into account, but generally will allow long vehicles only on routes that can accommodate the entire body of the vehicle on all turns without crossing the centerline with any part of the vehicle.

    Why would the bus analysis apply to motorhomes? From an engineering standpoint, 45-foot motorhomes have similar turning characteristics to 45-foot buses, especially motorhomes created from tour bus conversions. Therefore, now that AB 67 has became law, 45-foot motorhomes are allowed on the same routes as 45-foot buses.

  3. Is your dish oval or round? What make and model do you have? Directv just went to a new system where they put a multi switch inside a multi LNB. The great thing about this is that you only need one wire coming inside the coach and can run up to 8 tv's independently and you can get the 110 and 119 at the same time.

    Directv was having a hard time running multi cables to a dish in buildings like apartment buildings, so they made this new system so they can use the old single cables in the old apartment like buildings. You can now even use just one cable on a DVR. If you need more infomation, send me a PM and will tell you what you need to do.

  4. This is for increasing your own signal, not for pulling in a public signal.

    Before (or after if you want) you spend money on antenna's for your router, you can download a second parties firmware for your router to turn up the output signal of your router. The FCC sets a limit the router's maker can turn it up to, but if you use a 2nd parties firmware like "Tomato" you can really increase the output, making your signal go further out. Do a search for for your router's model number if your model isn't listed to work with "Tomato".

  5. If you have a newer phone from Verizon, you can setup your computer and phone to allow your computer to get internet access by using your phones internet service. You can also connect up to five things on it. It is a little slower than Verizon's WiFi card, but with your booster it maybe fast enough for your needs. Call Verizon and check if your phone has the ability to do this and what your data plan is. You may have to upgrade your IE service a little.

  6. All rotors and drums will show rust. The only area to be concerned about is where the pads make contact. I live on long Island and fight salt all the time and rotor's have never been a problem. I would be much more concerned about protecting the rest of your M/H. If your rotor's come in contact directly with salt water, just wash with fresh water. That's all. Any surface rust that forms on your brakes will come right off after you use them a few times. My boat trailer has rotors and after it goes into the salt water, the maker of the trailer also states just to wash with fresh water. My trailer is used only two times a year and the brakes will show rust but will clean right up with just a little use.

  7. To check the heat. I know people that wire a thermostat right into the phone wires. Easy to do. Just hook Red & Green wires to thermostat and set it for the low temp in your house you like. Than once a day call your house. If it rings, everything is ok. If you get a busy signal, you need someone to check your house.

  8. I had the same problem with my atwood 10 gal heater. IT was the mixing valve on back of heater. They told me they see this alot in the spring when people start their unit up because stuff from the tank gets into the valve. They had me take it off and soak in Vinager over night. Then with your mouth blow it out and also make sure the ball valve moves.

    That's what they said to do and I will tell you it didn't work. That valve is not cheap so I just dis-connected the cold water supply at the valve.

  9. Inside that carburetor is an "accelerator Pump". It is a diaphragm that pushes a little bit of extra fuel into the carburetor when you accelerate hard. It is VERY common for these to go bad over time. The good news is that they are cheap and easy to replace. Look on the carburetor for numbers that are stamped into it. Take them down to your local parts store and ask for an "accelerator repair kit".

  10. I just saw on E-bay, a devise that is pluged into your OBD-2 port on your car/motorhome that has bluethooth for $20.00. You than use you cell phone, Ipad or laptop to connect to the devise using bluetooth. There are many apps you can download to get all the infomation you need. Looks like most people use the Torquescan app. I haven't ever used this but for $20.00, I will give it a try. Here is a like to what I'm talking about.


    Infomation on the Torquescan app. can be found here.


  11. Pull the pump motor off and see if anything is inside it. Something inside causing it not to turn could be your cause of your fuse going. Sometimes I have seen it where items get in there causing the pump to break free of the shaft on the motor. When that happens, you hear it running but the pump itself isn't turning. Also check the one-way valve. You may be able to disconnect the one-way valve and look into the pipe to see if the pump is turning. If you can't see it, you will have to pull the toilet.

    Good luck,


  12. IE9 is still in development, and our forums provider is not supporting it until it is released as final. Currently, IE9 is a "Release Candidate," meaning that Internet Explorer has most of the features that will be included in the final release, but it's still being tested. According to Microsoft, if you are trying Release Candidate IE9, you might experience more errors than you would using an earlier version of Internet Explorer. I would go back to IE8, until the final IE9 product is released.

    IE9 has a small icon after the address bar for older designed web pages. I have been running the Beta IE9 and than The IE9 RC on this site without any problems. If you are not good with computers, I would also wait for the final release of IE9.

  13. PHE,

    Here is some good case law for you to look at.

    Stops While Travelling

    Courts have generally held that in order to be able to invoke this law as a defense the only stops allowed must be directly incidental to the trip. For example, in People v. Selyukov, 2008 NY Slip Op 28104, 2 (N.Y. J. Ct. 2008), a trial court held:

    Fundamental to the defense is the firearm owner's actually engaging in travel, or acts incidental to travel, through the state of arrest, such as stopping for food or gasoline or picking up passengers or packages for the trip. Any pause in the journey must be directly incident to it.

    The defense is generally lost if the firearm’s owner stops for any reasons not directly related to the immediate trip. (for example see State v Baker, 639 SW2d 617 [Mo App, SD 1982]) defense not available when stop was for unrelated stay with girlfriend.)

    It is clear that stops for food and gasoline do not constitute a break in travel. But what about stops such as overnight stays or major diversions to collect passengers? Stops such as this are a grey area under this law and it is hard to judge the line when a stop is directly incident to the journey or falls outside of that category. Due to the lack of any settled law, it is best for a gun owner to be cautious when planning any intermediate stops. When planning a trip it would be best for the gun owner to:

    Plan a travel route through states where possession is legal under state or local law

    Plan travel routes that avoid jurisdictions which heavily regulate firearms and minimize travel time and stops in jurisdictions which do so

    Minimize the need for overnight stops

    When making overnight stops, stay close to your travel route. Do not deviate from the route to stay overnight with friends or family.

    Do not make major detours to collect passengers or packages. If possible, make arrangements to collect these close to your main travel route.

    Make stops as brief as possible. Minimize length of stops whenever possible.

    When stopped, even overnight, do not remove firearms from the car as doing so may remove the protection of federal law and may even constitute illegal carry of a firearm in that jurisdiction

  14. This is so wrong , completely wrong, incorrect , and just plane wrong.

    Please, as some other poster suggested, check The Firearm Owners' Protection Act (FOPA), Public Law No. 99-308, 100 Stat. 449 (May 19, 1986), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 921


    Sorry PHE, you are the one that is wrong.

    If you read the law, you must also read the state law. Most states will only let you pass though their State to go to an event like a shooting contest and not just any. Must be put on by a group like the N.R.A.. Most of us are not going to a shooting contest. Also if you read here, http://www.nraila.org/GunLaws/Federal/Read.aspx?id=59 you will see that it states: "Travelers should be aware that some state and local governments treat this federal provision as an “affirmative defense” that may only be raised after an arrest"

    That means, you could be arrested and have to go though the system possibly up to a trial to use the federal law as an affirmative defense. That Defense in many states could only be if you were going to the contest to compete, not just pass though the state. Example: If you are going though N.J. to a friends house in another state with a handgun in a lock box, you will be going time in jail.

    Don't just look at one federal law and think you are OK. You need to read the State law and most of all, the case law!

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