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About starrcreek

  • Birthday 04/16/1944

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Savannah, GA & Klamath Falls, OR
  • I travel
    With pets

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  1. Agree with all stated. 1st time, long ago, only partially drain. Not good. Yes have sensors. Amazing amount of water in fuel from different fuel stops.. Another that I do after changing filter/drain is turn key to start about 8 times for about 15 seconds each. I understand this will prime the filter. Brett, another addition to my rig; Travel Supreme 2007 (original owner) slide out battery tray, replaced tray glides with 500 lb glides, original 100 lb each for 6 batteries! Also house batteries, 6 positive cables to one battery lug of the coach batteries, installed new positive post to battery compartment side wall to handle/terminate the cables, with new one 3/0 cable to the battery post. Positive/negative post available online. Now easy slide for battery inspection/cleaning. Safe travels to all!
  2. How many drain the water separator fuel filter on the Cummins engine? Well this morning I found an easy way to unscrew the drain plug, using the body of a Orbit lawn sprinkler, 2" pop up, model # 54127 fit perfect, as a socket! Has three ridges inside to grip the cap.
  3. Searchlight Tonopah and Beatty, NV. Beatty, coming south on US 95,down hill, the bears hid behind the big billboard for the town. Tonopah town is hilly, patrolled by Nye county sheriff. Tonopah, county seat for Nye county, population 3200, to the south Pahrump 32,000. Someday the voters will move the county seat. Safe Travels, Fred
  4. Elite RV repairs, Harrisburg, OR is replacing the old Norcold, (@#$%##) with Samsung I purchased from Homedepot. I have parts for the 1210, such as 12 door bins and all the electric board, shelving etc..Cooling unit is weak, dead. If anyone needs parts contact me.
  5. All good replies.. One thing I added is additional turn signal lights down each side the motor home and activated the side turn signal on the Saturn. Now when making a right turn I very rarely get cut off. In fact, most of the time folks back off and let me turn right or go to the right lane, same with the left turn. Motor homes do not have enough turn signals down the side. Look at commercial bus turn signals. I used the 4" lights with chrome housing, from Love's travel stops.. Another site to check out is Prevost, they have lights down the side. Good luck..
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