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  1. We are the unfortunate owners of an 2013 Itasca Ellipse (Winnebago Tour). We have had nothing but major problems with this poorly designed and manufactured coach. If you would like to read a synopsis of our sad story with this coach, please go to http://www.oilartist.com/winnebagoletter1.pdf and http://www.oilaritst.com/winnebagoletter1.pdf. These two letters outline our frustration with a product that is complete piece of garbage and should not be purchased by anyone.
  2. Like many of us, we decided to replace the factory mattress with a memory foam mattress. Unfortunately, we fell for the marketing hype of Rocky Mountain Mattress. Attached to this post is a picture showing our less than 2 year old mattress that has a 4" sag. I contacted Rocky Mountain Mattress for a warranty claim. Their response? Send the mattress to us and we'll decide if you REALLY have a warranty claim. We're in California and they want us to send a 100+ lb. king size mattress to North Carolina so they can "evaluate" it. GET REAL! The lowest quote I can find for shipping a mattress cross country is $400 one way and that assumes I package it, put it on a pallet, and help the driver load it on the truck! And then, even if they decide that they will generously allow the claim, I have to pay for return shipping as well! This company is great at marketing but create lousy products. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THESE CROOKS!
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