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  1. Good evening, morning, etc. I am planning on taking my 27 ft Class A to Northern California next May and would like to tour the redwood National Park near Klamath. I will be going from the San Diego area and thought that I would like to take the coast route from San Francisco north. I have already seen the Big Sur area and want something different. We are members of Harvest Hosts, but would like to get some recommendations on camping on the way up. I have some solar on the roof and do not mind boondocking off and on as long as it is safe. No Walmarts, Lowes, etc. We want scenery. Any ideas and has anyone taken that route.
  2. Hi I just finished a week long trip to Glacier and it is very beautiful but crowded. If you are coming this far cross the border into the Canmore Alberta area. You will not be disappointed. It makes the American Rockies look sick and the wildlife is superb. One thing you must do is take the road the Lake Moraine and when you round the last curve your jaw will drop and you will fell like someone slapped you in the face. I won't tell you what to expect, you have to see it in person. One of the most memorable things that I have ever seen.
  3. I can tell that you are former USN with the quote of fair winds and following seas. I am a retired Diving Dicksmith (Special ops diving corpsman) myself and have always loved that quote. What was your rating in the navy and how long were you in for
  4. Thanks for all the news and sorry about the setting No I am not mad or shouting. Just computer illiterate lol
  6. We will be taking a trip by jeep from Banff Canada to Vancouver in the first part of June this year. I am trying to figure out the nicest route, not the fastest route, to take. We have not been to Canada and want to see the scenery of the area. I know that we can go south to the wine region of Okinagan or take the northern route through Whistler and then drop down. Any suggestions Thanks
  7. I recently was going to Utah during August and was running my generator and AC to keep the people in the back cool. The outside temp was probably in the 80s or so. After a short amount of time I saw that the generator had turned off. This happened several times. Since I live in So Cal I will probably have to run the AC often while driving Any ideas. I am driving a 27 ft 2013 Thor ACE.
  8. I placed a Safety Plus system on my 27 ft Thor ACE and it helped a lot.
  9. I recently was told about a County Campground on the beach above Santa Barbara. It is call Jalama and I hear that it is very nice. You might want to check it out and it is pet friendly.
  10. We are planning a trip to Montana, Wyoming and Banff followed by a trip from Banff to Victoria on the Trans Canadian Highway We will be at each park area for 1 week and will also be taking our small dog. Would appreciate any ideas and info on what to see and do. Not sure if we will just take the car or the coach
  11. Thanks to all for the info Am in Illinois today and leaving tomorrow for Leland.
  12. I am a retired Navy Corpsman and served with the Marines for four years at 29 Palms (1974-1978) before going into Special Operations. The best duties that I have ever had were with the Marines (1st FAG and 3rd Tanks) and the Spec Ops side of the Navy. The Marines took very good care of me and vice versa. Now the Army is something else lol
  13. You said that the weather may not be the best. Can you tell me sort of what to expect and how depressing is it in the U P. I am mainly interested in the fall foliage and hear that it is very nice. Am I choosing the wrong area. I don't want to go all the way to New England to see the colors and will be in the Chicago area. I am open to suggestions since I have no time limit and we are both retired.
  14. Herman, It is good to see another USN guy here I knew it as soon as I read the farewell quote. I am retired USN Special Ops Corpsman and loving retirement
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