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Posts posted by gsbogart123

  1. From: Gary Bogart <gsbogart1@yahoo.com>

    To: mayorsnedecor@city.hobart.in.us

    Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 10:43:00 AM

    Subject: Truck/RV parking ban

    Dear Mayor Snedecor:

    I have never been to Hobart, Indiana, but it could happen because of my wide and varied travels in my motorhome.

    One sure way to encourage visits from myself and other motorhome travelers is for towns such as yours to rescind the proposed overnight truck/RV parking ordinance.

    I recently listened to a Mike Huckabee TV show about your state of Indiana, and the perils the citizens are facing because of the downturn in RV sales. Since Indiana is probably the largest producer of RV's in the world, I am sure you see the folly that your proposed ordinance would have on the image of your state towards the RV industry.

    Surely, a learned group of government officials can find a way to control noise and truck traffic without impacting the RV traveling public. Failure to recognize the feelings of RV travelers as a group will only show the politicians disregard for this industry.

    I trust you will give this your utmost and serious attention as a date for this vote approaches.

    Maybe one of these days, our paths will cross. I will bring good feelings, and my purchasing power, and when I leave, only my tire tracks will remain. Hopefully you will feel good as will I about my visit.

    Gary D. Bogart F175139

    Bradenton, Florida

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