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  1. It seems that when the FMCA like all the other RV clubs are loosing membership do to the economy, going back to the same places over and over is not the best way to encourage attendance. As I understand in 2011 we are going back to Perry Ga. for the umpteenth time. Using the same locations over and over was an expedient procedure in the past when we had a steady flow of new members coming in. Today it is the old timers and hard core members who make up the bulk of the membership. I for one do not want to travel across the country to go back to the same location over and over again. Perhaps the Governing Board should pick a site in the middle of the country for once. A new site, one that is not too far from either coast. With reduced attendance #s many sites become a potential rally host. I realise that setting up a new location is extra work but if it helps with the attendance #s, it is worth the effort. Anthony Steller. V.P. American Coach chapter.
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