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About steve56

  • Birthday 05/20/1956

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Vickie and I plan to travel where ever suits our fancy, not in a hurry. We are part-timers would consider ourselves extended travelers. Boondockers yes,
  • I travel

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  1. Posted January 20, 2016 Have had both GS and CN. No bad experience with either. Only heard that FMCA has a towing caveat. Thanks for the info, I went to read the fine disclaimer print and didn't see any. Could you point a link to us on these limits. We planned to get the roadside assistance Nov. 1st. That is why we joined FMCA.I assume you are speaking of VAS and SafeRide Motor Club. (Up to 34') would be a deal breaker for us we are 37'
  2. Since Herman posted here is the link http://www.kileymold.com/products.html
  3. Thank you, sir, the same for you and your family.
  4. As an outsider looking in I popped into whos online, 76 pages of people over 2276 viewing FMCA forums. 99 percent were guests. I spotted a few regular members I have seen posts on this topic and other areas of the forums. There's the answer convert those guest to members, maybe a lot of guests are looking to see how the vote is going? Most guests I saw were looking at the other info the site offers. Change is coming to FMCA, for better or worse, the Prestige of Motor Coach won't diminish. Today's 5th wheel and TT expand to lavash designs with almost all options a typical MH has other than a drivetrain. We planned to join FMCA and visited Perry, 2016 event to gain info on buying a Class A. We were a few years younger and basically encouraged to join by many of the members. We ended up buying an MH late in 2016 and I had some health issues pop up, now recovering back surgery. We are almost ready to head out for a stroll from the east to the west and will join FMCA and the Roadside assistance program. Joined 10-28-17 We may make the Indigo event and the happening at the Q.
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