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About RWDMLD18

  • Birthday 12/08/1949

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Dayton OH
  • Interests
    Camping, Golf, fishing. my wife Mary enjoys camping, cross stich, sewing. Of course we enjoy our seven grandchildren.
  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. We use our AT&T Iphone as a modem to our laptops. We also use the camp ground WI FI alonf with a JEFA Tech modem and antenna to boost the weak Campground signal. Also if you are in a area with other free WiFi signals JEFA tech will pickup the signal. My antenna has a range of 1 Mile. Bob and Mary Dawson FMCA # F408869 SMART #13652
  2. I have used Turddle Wax Headlight lens restorer. You rubb it in let dry and buff off with a soft cotton rag.
  3. The owners manual stated to pull the fuse before towing 4 wheels down. The fuse is in an inconvenient place on the passenger side. Has anyone made a external switch to turn off and on?
  4. I checked Roadmaster for adapters for a 2008 Mini. There is one. Is there any difficulty in towing a Mini standard shift?
  5. I searched the Forum to find 4 wheel down towing a Mustang and found only a 1992 Mustang automatic. RoadMaster sell brackets for Mustangs. I would like feedback on the pros and cons of towing Mustangs be for I make any purchase. RWDMLD18
  6. The gray tank in our 2006 Dolphin drains slow. Fast at first and slows down to a trickle, i can hear the liquid draining into the drain hose. Gray tank take about 20 minute to drain. What can I put in the tank to get rid of any sludge that could be blocking half if the drain? Bob RWDMLD18
  7. David, you mentioned the distribution box. I do not have a distribution box unless it is hidden. All I have are the A/B switches in the front and rear of the RV.
  8. sorry, Sam. I read what you wrote but but failed to provess the data. David mentioned the distrbution box. Sam thanks for your help.
  9. Sam, you mentioned the distribution box. Are thes some as the A/B switch or is this box located else were?
  10. I am trying to install a digital converter box. I am having difficulty following the TV cables. The RV has a box up front Cable A, TV, Cable B. In the bedroom the box is Cable A, Cable B, TV, VCR. The antenna has a power switch. I came to this conclusion because there is a very small switch on next to the antenna cable connection. If I could find the TV cable drawings I could determine were to put the digital converter. Bob
  11. Mary and I traded our 1999 Sea Breeze on a 2006 Dolphin. The Dolphin is wired for a satellite. There is a square box on the roof aft of the analog antenna. Is this box for an enclosed dome antenna or the standard Wineguard antenna? Bob
  12. RWDMLD18

    Dock power

    All, I have installed a 50 AMP Shore Power Outlet just outside my Garage. I use a 50 to 30 AMP Adapter to plug my 30 AMP National Sea Breeze in. All is well. Thanks for all your help.
  13. RWDMLD18

    Dock power

    Our current RV is a 30 AMP. Can a 30-AMP RV be plugged into a 50-AMP dock?
  14. Thanks, will I be able to tow my 2005 Canyon?
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