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  1. I've been using the Tech Connect Max+ T-Mobile device for about two months now, mostly in Florida. The Inseego device never shows anything besides 4G and two bars, no matter where I'm am. I've reset it a few times, but still no 5G. I wouldn't care but my 8 year old 4G Verizon device is getting faster connections than the new T-Mobile one. Is anyone seeing 5G on their device?
  2. I was able to get through to FMCA's tech support. They had to do a manual sync with Hyperion to get my info over. After about two hours, I was able to place my order.
  3. Hello, I reactivated my FMCA account on December 30, 2024. When I try to enroll with Tech Connect+ Max on the Hyperion site, it shows "Member with provided Email, Last Name and Member Number could not be found! Please correct information on the form to continue with checkout." when I try to create an account there. I've tried a couple of times per day since 12/30 and three different browsers, no luck. FMCA was closed for the holidays and appears to be overwhelmed with tech support questions so I can't ask them. Is there a waiting period before I can order?
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