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Posts posted by aztortuga

  1. We both were raised in Arizona so are accustomed to the heat, or so we thought. We have lived in Oregon for the last few years but had to go to Arizona for medical reasons this summer. In Phoenix with temps of 110 to 115 both of our AC units were going full blast and the air temp inside of our travel supreme was in the low 80's. They were simply not able to keep the temp down into the 70's. I bought foil insulation and placed it on the interior of the west facing windows as well as the windshield and it helped. What finally did the trick was getting out of Phoenix and heading North. Soooo, to your question, I think that most RVs will have a hard time with temp control when it gets that hot. I saw other units in the park that were obviously full time in the park, and they had added window ac unit to augment the roof mounted ones.

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