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  1. Just signed up with the provider for FMCA emergency road assistance. Had to pay for another year of FMCA before getting coverage. Cost considerably lower than Coach -Net so we signed up. So far have been charged on my credit card twice. We are on the road and this was first chance to check credit card on line. Will call tomorrow to hopefully get it straightened out. We have been towed several times with Coach-Net. No real problems, though we had a major confusion in Albuquerque in April,2023/
  2. Am looking for how much it costs to replace our Cat3126E . we have a 2022 Triple E Signature. Motor only had 122,000 miles. Thanks
  3. There is no one best RV. When we looked at going full time, some of the items we looked for were : Liveability - did we like the coach layout, /enough storage -his (mostly outside) & hers ( food,fridge,etc.) . enough closet and drawer space for up to 4 seasons worth Does it have the amenities you want,e.g. TV's in & outside,bed wide & long enough (are you 5 feet or 6'6" tall). Maintenance of RV - how easy is the coach to repair. Does the manufacturer know where some of their equipment is installed ( we had a motorhome - were looking for a fuse to replace so our slide would work - the company "help" desk person said it could be in number of places - depending on what day it was built. I hope that is no longer a problem.) Warranty. What is the manufacturers reputation regarding warranty and customer service. This is only a small list. I am sure there are others out there who have even more ideas. In the end it all depends on what YOU want to do. Oh yes, SET a budget on how much you can afford. I unfortunately have met some fellow RV'ers who had a great coach but were unable to fully enjoy it due to financial concerns.. Hope this helps.
  4. We started camping in approximately 1977with a rented 14 foot trailer. As our family grew, our neighbors lent us their hard top camper. We were hooked. Bought a used Starcraft camper for $1200. With 3 young ones we camped at mostly provincial parks and had great family outings with sisters,brothers and their families. When we got our first motorhome (Class C) in 2000 - was going to rent one until I found out the cost would be a good down payment, so we bought it - we traveled over 4,000 miles in just over 3 weeks. Just like boaters we got 2 foot its and moved up to a 34 foot Class A gas model. We used it on our maiden voyage when we retired in 2001. Spent first winter in Florida. We loved the lifestyle and decided we would try full timing. this meant having to find a motorhome that we would be happy with year round. In 2002 we found Granma's bus ( as our 3 year old grandson called it). For the next 10+ years we traveled all over Canada & the USA - the Keys to San Diego to Homer, Alaska, Newfoundland & Labrador and all point in between. We truly have been blessed. We now call ourselves 1/2 Timers as we bought a modular home in our park, just in case. We go mostly to Yuma. People ask us how long it takes us to get there. We tell them, it takes anywhere from two weeks to a month, got to stop and smell those roses, right. Hope you enjoy our little story. HAPPY TRAVELS.
  5. Looking for windows for our 2002 triple "E" Signature.
  6. The park we are staying in has a full array of facilities including a 18 hole golf course. We have been coming here since 2002-03. Like all RV parks we have many friends here who have become our extended family. The park we are staying in has increased their 2013 rates for Jan. - Mar. by almost 21% .Rates for the rest of the year have not changed. When we first started coming here the monthly rate was $390/ month. In 10 years it has increased 144 % ( new rate increase will equal 173 %). We are not thrilled by this. We are on pension and will not be getting a 21% increase. (closer to 3% CPP). The economy is North America is still suffering from the fallout of 2008. I understand that costs do go up - eg: just look at fuel prices. The effect of this price increase means that we will have to rethink how we RV - find more affordable accommodations. - change our travel patterns . We currently travel to Arizona from Ontario. Maybe we will have to look at Flordia. - lessen our RV park expectations to reduce park costs - NO - travel for a shorter period of time . We travel from Nov. to April. RV parks in general need to be more sensitive to pricing. The reason our Park manager has being giving people is that they have not raised the price in several years (look at the economy) and that they are still less expensive then other parks in the area ( we have checked and they are not comparing apples with apples). These are pretty lame reasons for raising rates. I guess maybe I'm just venting my spleen as I used tell my staff about customers who were having a bad day. However, I talk to many who feel the same way as I do. Why is there not more discussion about RV park rates? Are we all that financially comfortable that it does not matter ? Well I'm at it, why do parks charge a NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT? If I book a hotel room this does not happen. Why do most want ALL the rent for the length of time you have indicated (eg: 3 to 6 months) ? Are they afraid the park is not up to standard? ( I do understand the need for some degree of certainty, so they can plan their financial needs.) Paying monthly sure makes it easier on peoples ability to plan their financial needs so they do not have to possibly borrow funds for a short period of time. Have a great day.
  7. We have a 2002 Signature by Triple E. 37 feet long. We put air tabs on 2 years ago. My co-pilot noticed the difference our first time out. No being pushed by big rigs. As for fuel mileage I have noticed no real difference. Happy mortoring.
  8. Welcome to Canada. Just like the USA, our highways are pretty much the same as yours Isn't there always some construction going on somewhere? Tourist information locations should have info on roads under repair or construction. If you are going to take the Lake Superior route along Hwy. 17, please, do not be in hurry as there are many beautiful sites and places to see - in Ontario - (besides Toronto and Niagara Falls), Sudbury -The Big Nickel, Wawa - the statue of the Canada Goose( there is campground west of the turn off about 7-8 miles) Thunder Bay - The Terry Fox memorial (I believe the annual Terry Fox run has raised Over $400 million for cancer research and treatment - worldwide, since this annual run was started in memory of Terry). MANITOBA - Winnipeg - visit the Canadian Mint. See where the Red and Assiboune rivers come together and enjoy the shopping at The Forks. There are some nice campgrounds just north of the city. In Saskatchewan, there is of course the RCMP museum. Also a casino if you enjoy that from time to time. Regina has several campgrounds east of the city full hook-ups. As you travel West on your journey I hope you have an opportunity to stop along the way and meet the local people. Once you get West of Winnipeg you will experience some of flatest land you will ever see. In some places it so flat you can see a good 15 -20 miles. As you go through Alberta you will eventually see the majestic Rocky Mountains. They ARE a site to behold if you have never seen them before. Enjoy your trip and safe traveling.
  9. We have been running with our headlights on for many years. The reason for this - the coach was built with daytime running lights that go on automatically when we start up the engine.Yup,ytou guessed it we are Canadian. Day time running lights are required by law on vehicles registered in Canada. Of course, when at dusk or night driving conditions (which we try to avoid) we turn on the headlight switch. Before we pull out we (my co-pilot and I) check to make sure all lights are working on both the motorhome and toad. These include -headlights (only on coach, Toads do not come on), taillights, brake lights, emergency flashers, and turn signals. I think that having your lights on during the daytime, especially on two lane roads, is a great idea. What I don't understand is why all vehicle manufacturers do not install these at the factory for vehicles used in ALL countries. I think the safety factor alone is worth whatever small amount extra they charge. Keep your stick on the ice as we say up here in the Great Whier North.
  10. I have a Norcold Model NDR1292. It is almost 5 years old. THE PROBLEM: The lightbulb is lasting only about two to three weeks. I had this problem last year and replaced the switch, to no avail. I had Dometic send me a diagram. Unfortunately, it has not been much use. I asked a repair shop to check for me when I had the motorhome in for some other unrelated repairs. As it was eletrical in nature, they did not seem too enthusiactic about looking very hard. I have checked to make sure the switch is plugged in solidily. I have checked to make sure the bulb contacts are touching the end of the bulb firmly. The winter switch to keep the bulb on when the weather is cold is off, as we are not in that type of climate. Any suggestions on how I can solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
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