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About rtr6646

  • Birthday 10/14/1946

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  • Interests
    Cars,Golf fishing,racing Military
  • I travel
    With pets

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  1. Thats nice Bill, hope you enjoy it. rtr6646
  2. rtr6646

    Parking Brake

    Thanks everybody very good info Thanks rtr6646
  3. rtr6646

    Parking Brake

    Thanks everyone the brakes finally let loose, Thanks again rtr6646
  4. rtr6646

    Parking Brake

    Hi I have a 1998 Monaco Diplomat that will build up air with parking brake set, but when it reaches 120 psi and I release the parking brake the low pressure beeper comes on again and the coach won't go forward or reverse-- like the brakes are still set, but, the brakes are released. Ive checked them all and the air won't build up until I set the parking brake again. I can't hear air leaking anywhere under the coach. Help. Thanks
  5. Hello F433921 Thanks ill check that out, thanks for the info
  6. Hello desertdeals69 Thanks ill checkout out I had now idea where the sending unit was Thnks
  7. I have a 1998 Monaco Dip with a ISB gen II 275 hp that the tach quit working it will work for about 3 secs after start up and the drops to 0 any ideas Thanks
  8. One Ronald Rose two USAF Three 8 years 3 months June 1966-Sept. 1974 Four E-1-E-5 Five43131E, 43151E ,43171E Six Lackland AFB, Chanute AFB, Wurtsmith AFB, Beale AFB, Utapo RTNAS, Wurtsmith AFB Seven B52D,G,H, KC135 A/Q Tankers Seven WAFB, FMS, AR Shop, Beale, OMS Tanker Recovery, RTNAS,OMS Bomber Branch C/C, WAFB, Oms, Tanker Branch Recovery Team 7
  9. Thanks for the replies . I got them out and washed them lookin good now Thanks again
  10. They are the day/night shades with the strings that hold them tight. Thanks for the replys so far
  11. We just got a new to us a 1998 Monaco Diplomat 38 DP. We DW and the fur ball Pom hope to hit the road sometime this fall. First trip will probably be RT 66 from Chicago to the end
  12. I have a 1998 Monaco Dip that i removed a window blind for some repairs and would like to clean the blind before i reistall it has anybody claned the binds and how did you go about it Thanks
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