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Posts posted by f433921

  1. 3 hours ago, manholt said:

    Marathon is a Prevost bus conversion company  in Oregon....a few  others would be Liberty, Featherlight, Outlaw, Millennium and Fortravel 

    I frequently travel down I-5 and pass right by the Marathon factory. I can only dream of owing one of them when I hit the lottery.


  2. I purchased a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee to replace my toad that was destroyed when I was rear ended.

    It had been used as a toad by the previous owner and was all set up with a Roadmaster Even Brake actuator.

    This would not have been my choice, but I thought I would give it a try.  After thoroughly reading the owner manual and following the set up instruction step by step I have unable to get it to work.  It will go thru the self diagnostic and the motor home monitor will indicate that tested OK and ready for use. When pressing the brakes the monitor will indicate "BRAKEING" for a few seconds then the monitor will display " NOT OPERATIONAL, MORE INFO" scrolling to the next page it will read "BRAKE PEDAL IS DEPRESSES" when checking position of the pedal it is NOT depressed. Scrolling to  successive pages will offer probably causes which in include "IMPROPER INSTALLATION" and "READJUST SEAT TO PROPERLY SECURE UNIT"  

    I have confirmed that wiring is correct bases on installation instructions and drawings.  I have tried repositioning the seat with no success.

    I'm waiting for a response from previous owner .

    I'm open for suggestions for any tips you may have. 


  3. On 8/25/2021 at 4:18 PM, kaypsmith said:

    The wonderful thing about the newer residential fridges is they don't require as much current (amperage) as the older ones. The newest versions are inverter style, which means that they are very low drain on your battery bank. I will never go back to an absorption fridge.

    Our Samsung RF19 draws only 2 Amps at 120 volts, we only have 440 amp hr of battery capacity.  When traveling the residential refrigerator is powered by our inverter charger.  We have found that we get by if we run the generator every other day for a couple hours if we don't need to run the furnace at night.

  4. 7 hours ago, urbanhermit said:

    Ditto.  I just posted a bad one, and am heartened to read this.  I just fired the carrier involved in that incident following service nearly as bad on the second consecutive event and signed on with FMCA.  I have my fingers crossed.  I'll remember F433921's good experience with AAA.

    All good things come to a end.  When my AAA RV Premier came up for renewal they now only offered $500 per tow per year and were limited to 2 tows per year.  I don't think the towing company would answer the phone for that amount.

    I now have Good Sam, just hope that I won't have a need for a tow.


  5. While traveling on Hwy 84  in northern TX was rear ended while in turning lane. No injury in either vehicle, but my toad was totaled. The rig that hit me executed a perfect pit maneuver like you see on high speed chases on tv.

    Fortunately very little damage was done to our coach. The only damage to the rear cap was to the small lower center removable section that is removed to remove the radiator.

    The radiator and fan were damaged and will need to be replaced for us to get back on the road to return home to WA.

    Anyone have any leads for the radiator in the Lubbock are? If the both shop doesn't find it locally on Monday, they will be ordering the parts from Source Engineering in OR.

    What a way to end road trip, but are thankful that no one was hurt.



  6. On my 04 Holiday Rambler Endeavor I replace the TROMBETTA solenoid that is in the battery compartment with a COLE HERSEE 48530 Smart  Battery Isolator 200 AMP.  The COLE HERSEE Smarti Isolator is a bi-directional device that will automatically tie the house and chassis battery banks together to ensure that either bank can be charges from either the battery charger or the chassis alternator. It also will automatically separate the 2 banks when both charging circuits are unavailable before the chassis batteries discharge to a low level that would be prevent starting the chassis engine,

    The COLE HERSEE solenoid installation require to changes to the existing wiring.. 

    I made this change over 9 years ago and has worked great.  I just replace replaced my 6V coach batteries (Interstate Golf cart Deep Cycle) after being in service over 7 years. I also have a residential refrigerator running off of my coach batteries.


  7. 4 hours ago, manholt said:

    Jim.  What size tires do you run?  There's nothing wrong with Hankook's....most of our friends in Europe and Australia, run them or Continental.

    275 /70 /22.5  The ones I  just took off were their A11 they have been replaces with A37


  8. I have been running HanKooks for 7 years, just replaced them with a new set because they had been in service for 7 years, During that period I have I driver over 50,000 miles without a single issue.  I've' driven thru the desert in temperatures of 120 degrees and mountainous snow covered road and never was unhappy with their performance.  The quality of the ride was equal or better than that of the Michelin's that they replaced and a **** of a lot cheaper.



  9. 8 hours ago, mypopslou said:

    Thank you for your help, I need to do this but not for a couple of months, still in research stage, sounds like I should stay away from Hankook

    Not sure why you are ruling out Hankook tires.  There are many members that run then and are satisfied and have praised their performance.  I just had my second set of Hankook's installed on my 04 Holiday Rambler Endeavor.  The only reason for changing them was because they had been in service for seven years.  During the seven year I traveled over 50,000 on all types of roads under conditions from crossing the desert in 120 degree weather to traveling mountainous snow covered roads without a single issue.



  10. On 11/24/2020 at 5:06 AM, rayin said:

    Last year my battery charge readout  behaved irregularly, Went tracking down the cause. When I checked battery cell liquid levels all were just below top of plates, filled cells with distilled water and my charger behaved normally. After the display read "float" I took hydrometer readings of each cell, one battery had a really low reading. New batteries cured all problems. Old batteries were 5 years old.

    Thanks for your response.  My batteries are less than 6 months old and I checked the electrolyte level and specific gravity within the last month.  I will check them again if  acts up again.  

    Just got back from 5 day road trip, all was well.


  11. Went out to finish loading this morning and looked at REMOTE panel and was surprised to find the following message:

    BATTERY IS FULLY CHARGED 12.7 v. and no fault light all seem to be working fine.

    I hate gremlins like this, it's a lot simpler when something just fails.

    Now off to the Washington coast to celebrate Thanksgiving with just my bride of 50 years.

    Thank yo for your response and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.





  12. 3 hours ago, manholt said:

    Did you check the CB on the inverter?  That is where you do a reset.  Last time it happened to me  was on the AC Tradition. I had 2 Inverters and one of them went nuts, I flipped the CB on left side of unit off (Magnum 2812) & 20 minutes later turned back on, no more problems! 

    My inverter only has the push to reset circuit breakers, I did true the circuit breaker off at the AC power panel and removed the fuse to the batteries, this part of the HARD REBOOT.

  13. My 04 Holiday Ramble has the original Magnum Series M inverter/charger and performed flawless until to today.  Was loading the coach today and found the red fault light flashing on the Remote Panel and the voltage was swinging from 12.2 to 15.3 and the current from 30 A to 97 A.  the charger was in the ABSORPTION .  The RED fault light as only on when voltage was at 15 V and above.  The charger in ABSORPTION mode is programmed for a maximum voltage of 14.9 V.

    I turned the charger off from the Remote panel and restated , no change, voltage and current continue to swing and fault light flashing.

    Performed SOFT REBOOT with same results.

    Performed HARD REBOOT , the  inverter/charger will not start in either mode and BAD BATTERY CHARGER  message is now displayed on Remote Panel.

    Owners Manual has nothing to offer in its trouble shooting instruction.

    I'm speculation that the problem lies with in the control board.

    I would appreciate any thoughts that you might have if you have experienced a similar problem. 

    It might be time to just bite the bullet and  upgrade the inverter/charger instead of repairing, what's your thoughts.






  14. I has similar problem with a 454 carburetor engine in a P30 chassis back in the late 70's.  It ran fine except in warm weather. Found problem to be restriction in fuel line where it came out of the fuel tank.  There was short section of hose that had sharp 180 degree turn, the hose would collapse and restrict the fuel flow.  The problem only occurred when under heavy load.  What complicated trouble shooting was the problem occurred when  running on either of the fuel tanks, found both tanks has the same problem.

    Corrected problem by replacing the short section of hose on both tanks and installing a spring in the hoses to prevent them from collapsing..



  15. Just received notification from Washington AAA that effective 11/1/20 that AAA Premier Service will only pay up $500 per covered services with a maximum of $1000 per year for such services.

    I confirmed this with them and I dropped my membership.  

    Look like Good Sam or FMCA are my remaining options.



  16. Just received notification from Washington AAA that effective 11/1/20 that AAA Premier Service will only pay up $500 per covered services with a maximum of $1000 per year for such services.

    I confirmed this with them and I dropped my membership. 

    Look like Good Sam or FMCA are my remaining options.

    Has anyone in other states seen the same reductions in benefit?



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