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About dougu

  • Birthday 07/01/1964

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    Xavier basketball, NASCAR, coaching my kids' sports teams, playing Guitar Hero (I am a rock star in my own mind), ping-pong, Reds and Bengals (don't laugh), Coca-Cola

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  1. Good morning Brocki, What Ross and Herman said is correct. Around the end of March FMCA issued letters of credit for a future convention through March 31, 2023. These letters are worth the service you were to receive, not the cash value. So even if prices go up before you use the letter, you will still get the same service you were supposed to receive in Tucson. Send me an email with your name and F# and I will be sure to get the letter(s) of credit to you.
  2. Nice talking to you Gary and I'm glad we could get things worked out. Doug
  3. dougu

    2019 Rallies

    Robi, looks like you registered on January 16. I checked and your packet will be mailed tomorrow via USPS. If you would like to change that and have your packet held at Will Call, give us a call at (800) 543-3622.
  4. dougu

    2019 Rallies

    Soderquist, I'm not sure from the description of your problem if you were trying to register online and it wouldn't work for you. Please let me know what type of problem you encountered so we can find out what may have happened. You can call us at (800) 543-3622 to register or send it via email to arearallies@fmca.com. Hope this information helps.
  5. Good afternoon, We are finalizing the schedule this week and hope to have something on the web next week. Hope this answers you question. Doug Uhlenbrock Director of Events
  6. Welcome Bill, This being your first convention, I would recommend that you arrive before the afternoon of March 14, since that's when we will be doing our first-timer's seminar. More than likely, since you've registered this early, you will given a March 13 arrival date. By coming in on March 13, you will have time to get your bearings and check out where the various activities will be taking place. As for parking, most folks in Perry park in grass. The Georgia National Fairgrounds folks have done incredible work solidifying the parking areas and adding drainage, so the "stuck in the mud" problems from the past have mostly been resolved. As a first-timer, you're smart to reach out to others who have "been there, done that" for advice. But just so you know, we will be providing additional first-timer information in your Confirmation Packet, and we will have a dedicated page on our web site just for first-timers. If you have specific questions, you can send them to convention@fmca.com. You're going to have a blast in Perry. Rest up before you get there!
  7. I'm not sure where that information came from, but, as in the past, day pass holders will not be permitted into seminars. While we certainly encourage folks to join us via the day pass ($10 per person/$25 for a family of three or more) if they don't wish to attend on a full registration or passport, the day pass only entitles them to visit the indoor exhibits and motorhome displays. We do offer a Daily Passport that does entitle the holder to attend all events at the show for a single day. The Daily Passport costs $50 a person. I hope this clears up any confusion, and I will visiting RVillage to clear up that rumor. Doug Uhlenbrock Director of Events
  8. Hi Jeff, Here's the mailing information for Chandler. It also can be found in the digital edition of the program that can be found at: http://conventionprogram.fmca.com/?issueID=7&pageID=1 The official address to have mail forwarded to the "Rally In The Valley " International Convention is: Rawhide Western Town & Event Center Member Name, membership # FMCA 5700 W. North Loop Road Chandler, AZ 85226 If you plan to pick up your mail at the post office in Chandler, please have it addressed as follows: Member Name General Delivery Chandler, AZ 85224-9999 The Chandler Post Office is located at 1900 W. Carla Vista Drive. FMCA is not responsible for any misdirected mail or packages. Mail will not be available for pick up in the Information Center in the Event Center until 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 7. Mail not picked up from the Information Center by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 10, will be sent to FMCA National Headquarters in Cincinnati. Outgoing mail may be deposited in the FMCA Information Center each day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. UPS or FedEx deliveries should be addressed to the following address: Rawhide Western Town & Event Center/FMCA c/o Hale Expo – Event Center 5700 West North Loop Road Chandler, AZ 85226
  9. The event runs through March 10, meaning you may stay that night. Electric will be turned off at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 11. We ask that attendees leave by noon. Families desiring to remain at Rawhide Western Town & Event Center past 12:00 p.m., Saturday, March 11, are requested to contact the Craig Bucklew, Rawhide operations, at (480) 502-5600 or e-mail craig.bucklew@rawhide.com, reserve a site. Family members wishing to remain on grounds an additional night may be asked to move to an alternate location. This extended stay will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. All extended stay rates are $20.00 a day (no hookups).
  10. Good morning. We do have several spots open for the RV Academy Hands-On Driving Program. If you are interested in participating, call 800-543-3622 and ask for the Events Department to register..
  11. Electric service, both 30-amp and 50-amp is available. Full hookups are not available. Hope this answers your questions. Doug Uhlenbrock Assistant Events Manager
  12. The mailing of confirmation packets did begin on February 22. We hope to have the first mailing of more than 1700 packets completed in the next day or two. Due to the individual nature of each packet, we have to hand-pack each one with credentials specific to each registration. This does take some time. Also, we continue to take registrations for the Perry Family Reunion and other FMCA area rallies, answer calls with questions about these events, and continue to make preparations for the event itself. Everyone who registered before January 22 should have their credentials by the end of this week, or at the latest, the beginning of next week. If you do not receive yours by the middle of next week, please give us a call and we can check into it. Doug Uhlenbrock Assistant Events Manager
  13. According to their owners manuals, Kia vehicles are not approved for four-wheels-down towing. However, we did discover that the company issued a technical service bulletin that does permit certain Kia vehicles to be flat towed behind a motorhome. The bulletin, 018 (Rev 2, 01/10/2014) permits front-wheel-drive Kia vehicles equipped with a manual transmission to be towed four wheels down. The bulletin reads: Any Kia 2WD vehicle equipped with a manual transaxle may be towed with all four wheels on the ground behind another vehicle, such as a Recreational Vehicle (RV), as long as the following conditions are met: 1. Transaxle oil is at the recommended level 2. Transaxle is in correct working order 3. Parking brake is released 4. Gearshift is in NEUTRAL 5. Steering wheel is UNLOCKED with the key in the ignition and in the "ACC" position This includes Kia vehicles built prior to 2014, meaning that a 2012 or 2013 front-wheel-drive Kia with a manual transmission could be towed four wheels down. Kia vehicles with an automatic transmission or four wheel drive are not approved to be flat towed behind a motorhome. Hope this helps.
  14. Hi Ray. Glad to hear you are considering joining us in Redmond. Dogs are welcome at all FMCA Family Reunions. Here are the rules regarding pets. Pets are welcome at FMCA Family Reunions but must be kept in the parking areas unless they are providing service assistance. Pets are not allowed in the activity centers – seminars, entertainment, morning coffee hour, etc. – or exhibit areas. Please be a responsible pet owner. Clean up pet waste, prevent the pet from making excessive noise, and keep it on a leash when outside the motorhome. As far as bringing your towed vehicle, you certainly can bring it if you want to travel into the nearby towns of Redmond, Sisters, or Bend; sight-see away from the immediate vicinity; or run errands while staying at the fairgrounds. However, a towed car is not necessary to get around the fairgrounds. Depending on where you are parked, you may be within walking distance of many of the activity centers. There also will be multiple trams circulating the fairgrounds to shuttle attendees to and from activities. I hope this information helps and you do decide to join us for FMCA's 90th Family Reunion in Redmond.
  15. It's quite possible that the Pilot your acquaintance is towing can "mechanically" be towed. Years ago, just about all Honda vehicles were towable four wheels down, even though the owners manuals for those vehicles indicated that the vehicles could be towed at no more than 35 mph and for less than 50 miles. The 2001 and 2002 Towable Guides produced by FMC included a letter from Honda/Acura that indicated how to prepare Honda vehicles (both automatic and manual) for flat towing, even though the owners manuals stated differently. In years after that, Honda made that letter available on it's Web site. However, the company changed course in 2006 when it declared that only the CR-V could be towed four wheels down. The letter was removed from the Web site and Honda indicated it would not stand behind warranty claims on towing-related problems for any vehicles other than the CR-V going forward. So what changed? Mechanically, most, if not all, Hondas remained the same. The problem was that in previous years owners were not following the towing instructions in the letter. For automatics, one of the instructions says to shift through all of the gears with the engine running. The next line says, "Shift to D, then to N." Unfortunately, there were those who instead shifted from reverse into neutral. When the vehicle was then towed, the transmission would be damaged. Honda repaired/replaced these transmissions under warranty, but at some point the company decided enough. They determined that only the CR-V (and later the Fit) could be towed four wheels down and indicated that any other vehicle that sustained transmission damage due to towing would not be covered under warranty. So, while the owners manual for your friend's Pilot may indicate that it should not be towed four wheels down, it likely can be towed in that manner provided the towing instructions that Honda had previously published are followed. With it being a 2007 model, the warranty has expired, so that is of no concern.
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