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Pilot Flying J Transactions

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Some customers are having a little trouble getting the Loyalty Card discount at Pilot Flying J locations. According to the company, this is the result of the process that customers are using at the different fueling lanes.

Here are detailed processes that Loyalty Card holders should follow to receive their discount at any lane, any time.

Loyalty Card holders will ALWAYS receive cash price and $.03 off diesel and $.02 off gas at any Pilot or Flying J. However, the process that is necessary to receive the discount varies depending on which lane is used.

For RV or regular Auto Lanes:

Insert Credit Card FIRST at pump.

Insert Loyalty Card SECOND at pump.

(As of March 14, Visa is the ONLY company that will allow you to fuel up to $495 in one transaction in RV lanes.)

For Truck Diesel Lanes:

Insert Loyalty Card ONLY, at pump to enable pump start. (DO NOT insert any other card -- e.g., credit card -- at pump or the transaction WILL FAIL.)

Pump fuel, hang up nozzle, pull forward, go inside to pay.

(Even if paying with credit card inside, you still will receive cash price and $.03 off.)

ALL cards, regardless of age, can be used to receive the discount; cards just need to be registered at www.frequentfueleradvantage.com.

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I filled my coach last Monday at the RV island pumps in Tulsa OK.

I used my my Discovery credit card and my Flying-J RV Real Value Member card.

The diesel pump did start, as it should, when those 2 cards were swiped. (all 3 times)!

Those 3 pump starts (and the 3 printed receipts) where the only convenient thing that occurred at this entire one hour stop.

I swiped 2 cards, pumped 20 gal ($75.00) and the pump shut OFF.... Swiped 2 cards again, pumped another $75.00, ANOTHER shut down...A third swipe, of 2 cards, 4 more gallons, FINALLY FULL!

Next, I checked the printed receipts,.. NO DISCOUNT!...

I went into the store and waited in line at the counter........I asked for my 3 cent discount on my 44 gal purchase.

After the clerk read my receipts, and my RV card, she apologized and put 48 cents in my hand.(She had calculated ONLY a 2 cent/gal discount, and ONLY on ONE, of the two, 20 gal receipts and the 4 gal receipt). (24 gal)

I told her I had purchased a total of 44 gal, she checked the receipts, said "Sorry" and gave me another 40 cents.

I told her AGAIN that I was SUPPOSED to get THREE CENTS A GALLON. She called a manager over and he said that the TWO CENTS (84 cents) WAS CORRECT.

When I questioned him, he suddenly realized that it was DIESEL and told her to give me another 44 cents.


I also tried to check my RV Real Value account using the F-J in-store Kiosk, (as the F-J website states is required).

My account has an ERROR message and has had, at EVERY F-J fuel stop, since I began this trip, in Dec, 2010.

It is getting HARDER and more IRRITATING to remain a F-J customer!


Mel Stuplich

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Guest BillAdams

The pump limits are set by your credit card issuer and Flying J has no control over this issue. It was put in place as a security measure (despite the fact that you could swipe 3 times and still get $225 worth of gas!).

If you go inside before you pump at Flying J or any other fuel stop you can have them pre-authorize the card and you will be able to pump as much as you like on the first try. With the Flying J's I have stopped at this has gotten us the 3 cent discount but my last stop at a Pilot in FL did NOT get me the cash price since I had to fuel at the truck pumps (no choice, no RV lane and no way to get an RV into the auto pumps).

We now try very hard to find fuel anywhere other than the truck stops. With one less player in the game, the new Pilot/Flying J has pumped up their prices and others have followed. Now, the most expensive diesel is at Pilot/Flying J and is often 10 to 20 cents a gallon higher than the local fuel stations. I will still stop when it's the only choice but I sure do make an effort to avoid them if at all possible.

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All is all WARM and FUZZY at Pilot/Flying-J?

When one reads the F-J website detailing (bragging about) the various benefits of the F-J RV Rewards program and the procedures for obtaining same, it SURE LOOKS GOOD! (Many of the posts on this and other forums simply repeat (echo) the info that F-J provides).

I have found that just because they say (advertise) it, IT DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE!

The FACT remains that it seldom WORKS as stated and one must spend much additional time at each fuel stop to get the pump started and secure the discounts advertised.

Further, when I look up my purchase history on the F-J website, it displays my 6 fuel stops, in 2011, and shows the number of gals of propane I purchased at two of those stops but DOES NOT show ANY of the more than 400 gal of diesel that I have purchased!(so much for that BENEFIT?)

MY DISCOVER credit card gives me 5% cash back but so far F-J has only gotten Visa to allow more than a $75 purchase, without having to re-swipe or go into the store, wait in line, and see a counter person.

Without that additional 5% F-J's, and Pilot's, prices (even with 3 cent/gal off of the cash price) are to HIGH!

Pilot/F-J has been a real circle jerk since the reorganization (read as "DISorganization") began.

Mel Stuplich

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Guest BillAdams
MY DISCOVER credit card gives me 5% cash back but so far F-J has only gotten Visa to allow more than a $75 purchase, without having to re-swipe or go into the store, wait in line, and see a counter person.

Please contact DISCOVER and have them fix the limitations that they have in place. I also use Discover to pay all of my fuel bills and since I know the limits that DISCOVER put upon their customers I just suffer through these DISCOVER issues when I am a fueling station be if Flying J or some other which has the exact same restriction. I just ran into this while putting gas in our van at a Sam's Club. When the pump hit $75 it shut off.

As an aside, you may be missing reading the above posts as warm and fuzzy but I am not sure how. The first post is simply instructional and meant to help helpful to those trying to understand the new rules put in place by the Pilot merger. The others don't feel all that warm and fuzzy to me but then again my posting about going anywhere other than Flying J might be misinterpreted.

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Having read the above problems with the Pilot/Flying J process of using the Frequent Fueler Advantage card I don't feel like the lone ranger. I too pulled into the truck lanes for diesel fuel and had quite a go around with the Pilot/Flying J establishment. I was told to leave my Discover card with the clerk and was asked how much I wanted. I told her that I wanted to fill up. She said how much will that be. I said I don't know as yet. Just leave the pump open until I finish filling the tank. She said that I had to give her a dollar amt. in order for her to turn the pump on. I told her $100.00 knowing that this was insufficient for my needs, but I didn't want to go higher not really knowing how much it would be. After fueling I went back inside to get my discount and was told that there is no discount allowed until I have used 500 gallons. Then the computer would recognize me and then allow the discount. I tried to explain to her just what was explained to at the Perry Rally, but again to no avail.

Also, the above post noted that Pilot/Flying J has the highest fuel cost to the public by anywhere from 2 cents to 9 cents per gallon. Bottom line is I personally don't care if I never see another P/FJ. I would just as soon support the little guy. Thanks for this opportunity to express my self concerning an issue that was presented one way at the Perry Rally, but P/FJ was not aware of it.

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Flying J is becoming more and more difficult to deal with. Alot depends on the mood or knowledge of the person working the counter. My FJ card is very old and some times doesn't swipe well. I understand the need to pre-authorize the dollar amount. It's necessary to do the math before going to the fuel desk. Discounts seem to very from station to station. I've been told our cards are no longer accepted for discounts. Maybe it's time to find a new fuel source, I hope not as I understand F J uses only domestic oil. It's time for them to address these issues or lose our business

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Coming back from Florida I refilled at Flying J mile marker #1 South Georgia Interstate 75. As is often the case they were busy, busy, and the pump didn't give me a receipt said see cashier. I record purchases in my own book so made entry and left.

Stopped at next Flying J on 75 about 400 miles north...and the pump wouldn't take my card so I went inside to see cashier. She couldn't seem to figure out why it wouldn't and ended up calling a manager to the register. The manager tried to figure it out and then asked me to step into her office.

Once in the office a security guard arrived and they accused me of driving off without paying at my last fuel stop!! They actually treated me like a crook and interrigated me like the gestapo...finally asking me if I intended to pay for the last refueling! I did not try to avoid paying for the last fuel in fact I thought it had been paid for...gave them my card and they called the Flying J involved from mile marker #1 and guess what? !!

It wasn't my fault, the Flying J at mile marker #1 hadn't batched the charges and sent them to the credit card companies within the window of time necessary for this to take place...they had taken care of the problem and all charges had been made to their satisfaction ... so they let me go...with an opps, sorry.

This whole thing took about two hours and made me late to my sons place in Ky so I had to spend another night in a campground. The more I thought about it the more angry I became and called their home office.

In the interest of telling a short story...several calls , several letters, they told me to push it up a rope!!! I said fine but you've lost a good customer. No we haven't was their response our gas is too cheap you'll be back!! Ha, Hee.

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  On 4/7/2011 at 3:24 PM, Rbuzz95 said:

Coming back from Florida I refilled at Flying J mile marker #1 South Georgia Interstate 75. As is often the case they were busy, busy, and the pump didn't give me a receipt said see cashier. I record purchases in my own book so made entry and left.

Stopped at next Flying J on 75 about 400 miles north...and the pump wouldn't take my card so I went inside to see cashier. She couldn't seem to figure out why it wouldn't and ended up calling a manager to the register. The manager tried to figure it out and then asked me to step into her office.

Once in the office a security guard arrived and they accused me of driving off without paying at my last fuel stop!! They actually treated me like a crook and interrigated me like the gestapo...finally asking me if I intended to pay for the last refueling! I did not try to avoid paying for the last fuel in fact I thought it had been paid for...gave them my card and they called the Flying J involved from mile marker #1 and guess what? !!

It wasn't my fault, the Flying J at mile marker #1 hadn't batched the charges and sent them to the credit card companies within the window of time necessary for this to take place...they had taken care of the problem and all charges had been made to their satisfaction ... so they let me go...with an opps, sorry.

This whole thing took about two hours and made me late to my sons place in Ky so I had to spend another night in a campground. The more I thought about it the more angry I became and called their home office.

In the interest of telling a short story...several calls , several letters, they told me to push it up a rope!!! I said fine but you've lost a good customer. No we haven't was their response our gas is too cheap you'll be back!! Ha, Hee.

You took this a lot better than I would have...I would have told them to "pound sand" and walked out. Then I would have called the Police Dept in that first location to see if the first FJ had reported a "drive off", then I would have called my attorney...FJ has become the "stop of last resort" for me when there are no other options for fuel.

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Guest lawellin

I finally said no more to FJ a number of years ago [5 or more?]. I'm fairly sure it was after the original owner died. My issues were poor equipment [at the pump], shabby & unclean look in the stores, and irresponsible store management. One of the deciding issues took place at the Boise ID FJ. I was filling my tank MANUALLY but the nozzle failed to shut off when I released the trigger. I had a momentary panic and jerked the nozzle out of the tank. Sprayed diesel all over my pant legs & boots. Turned out the little tab [spring part of it] you engage for automatic shutoff was broken & had fallen into the engage position. Mgr. said if I'd just left the nozzle in the tank it would have shut off automatically despite the problem tab. The diesel washed out of my pants but messed up my boots. When I returned a few days later seeking some redress for the boots, I ultimately got nowhere. Their final conclusion, MY FAULT. My conclusion, NO MORE FLYING J.

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Both some years ago, and again this month, I received discount benefit offer with Pilot/Flying J. Five or ten years ago it was a Flying J Travel Plaza discount program with Good Sams (Affinity Group) RV club, which I recall they later said was canceled due to some problems experienced. I tried to use it for the first time but the station said they had never heard of any such program. This month my new membership in Family Motorcoach Association informed me that I had a Pilot fuel discount program with their membership.

In both instances I made my first stop at the named stations to fill up a big RV fuel tank but met with employees who knew nothing about the program. This time, Feb 21 at Pilot #307 in N. Palm Springs, California, I had brought in to the counter a printed statement from the FMCA literature, but they still knew nothing about the program. A supervisor was called over and asked, but neither was aware of any such program.

Well, since this was the second time that happened to me in these stations, I placed a cell call to Family Motor Coach Association to ask what was up with their claimed Pilot discount program. They told me to ask about a “Real Value” card. I returned to the counter with that and they scurried around and found something about it, but insisted Real Value applies ONLY to diesel, NOT to gasoline purchases and I was filling gasoline.

I thought, OK: forget this stuff. I paid by Visa card and made no more stops at Pilot stations. But when I got home to the big pile of accumulated mail, Family Motor Coach Association had followed-up that phone call by sending the facts and a Real Value card and right on the card it says: 3 cents off Diesel, 2 cents off gas, 10 cents off Propane.

No big deal on the pennies of savings lost, but REALLY aggravating to find in two out of two experiences that the travel plaza employees were not trained to handle it. I guess it’s a rarely utilized program if they have no prior experience administering it.... And the pumps that cut off at $75, yes I could restart them but generally if that is all they want to sell, I move on to another station later which may not have such distrust of their customers.

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We recently returned from a 4400 mile land voyage.

Needless to say there were several occasions where the purchase of gasoline was necessary.

Most of the time the pumps shut off at $75, there were a few where they went all the way to $100, and once I was able to pump to my hearts content or at least the 75 gallon capacity of my tank.

There was even one station that limited me to $74, Yes $74 per pump activation(go figure).

They all had stickers blaming the credit card companies, I just now got off the phone with my credit card of choice Discover, the limit is not theirs.

As many of you out there, I've given up any hope of getting the Flying J discount.

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Have had problems at two Flying J's. The card readers weren't working and it took a 1/2 hour to get filled up. One of the managers said they were having problems getting the new computer process to interface with the card readers. A customer has to take their credit card and loyality card inside before the gas can be pumped.

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Hey, guys:

I don't understand. Am I missing something? Does anyone traveling in an RV have a credit card that limts charges to less than $500 for gas/diesel? All of this sounds like several missing links between corporate wishes/plans and individual results at the pump/station.

I have seen this repeatedly over the years. It sounds like ongoing problems with either the computers/programing, individual station's planning/training and/or incompetance of the person working on the front line; OR a combination of all of the above.

I'm getting ready to go full time and this really makes me question where to diesel-up. Whatever it is; it makes me think twice about dealing w/these headaches until well down the line when, hopefully, all this is confirmed to be resolved.

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Our Pilot experience at the truck lanes traveling from Tennessee to Pennsylvania. First stop the registered new card did activate the pump. Wonderful! The pump shut off at $250.00. Went inside to pay it and received the discount. We needed more fuel so the clerk ran the card (s)? again. The discount did not appear on the second fueling. The next stop the clerk worked hard to get our RV card recognized so we did get the discount. Today our stop at a Pilot turned out that it is privately owned and they do not accept the RV card.

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More time has past, more FJ purchases made, more problems have occurred. I have decided to skip FJs altogether until they stop LYING to us.

I got my last fill-up at a Love's near Des Moines, IA. when my GPS routed me to a former F-J, recently converted to a Love's.

Love's allowed $125 of diesel on one swipe of my Discover Card when F-J, a day earlier, allowed only $75 each card swipe. (It is time to stop blaming the Card company's and put the blame for low dollar pump shut offs back on F-J where it belongs).

When the promoted "AUTOMATIC PUMP" START fails at one FJ, the promised "CASH PRICE WITH CREDIT CARD" doesn't work at another and the advertised diesel "THREE CENT/GAL DISCOUNT" is not given at a third FJ location, ALL within the same week, SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG.

Pilot/FJ CLAIM that they want the RVers business but HOW can we believe that when their performance HAS EXPOSED ALL OF THEIR PROMOTED RV BENEFITS......AS LYES!

IT IS TIME FOR A MORATORIUM ON Pilot/Flying J purchases.

Mel Stuplich,

20 year FJ custumer/NO MORE

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Hello everyone! My name is Lynsay and I'm here to talk with you about these many issues you have been discussing about your experience at our stores over the last few months. First and foremost, let me sincerely apologize for the many inconveniences you all have noted here. We have struggled since the merger to provide you with excellent customer service. Thank you for posting your experiences so that we can pinpoint problems with the system and program. After reading this thread we are taking a full on approach at training all stores about this program. We are making this a top priority. I do want to clear up a few things from the above posts.

1. Be sure that your RV loyalty card is registered completely. Easiest way to do that is by creating an online profile at www.frequentfueleradvantage.com. Pump start will not work unless you are registered.

2. There are no minimums or maximums on RV discounts on any of our lanes. You should receive your $.02 off gas and $.03 off diesel for every gallon if you swipe your loyalty card.

3. Please review the pump start and transaction procedures we have just updated on our website at http://pilotflyingj.com/rv-home.

4. You do not have to fuel 500 gallons to pump start or receive discounts.

I am here to help answer any questions you have. Please feel free to contact me anytime at social@pilotflyingj.com.

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I don't understand the problem. All you have to do is follow the instructions and the system. We plan our travel fuel stops at Flying J and now Pilot. Since our MH is 40' I especially appreciate the seperate RV islands. The system is simple; take your card inside, give them a dollar estimate and pump. When finished, sign the ticket with your discount and pick up your card. Drive away. No big deal. My only complaint is having to stand in line twice.

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Guest BillAdams
  On 4/8/2011 at 6:21 PM, hfteale said:

I don't understand the problem. All you have to do is follow the instructions and the system. We plan our travel fuel stops at Flying J and now Pilot. Since our MH is 40' I especially appreciate the seperate RV islands. The system is simple; take your card inside, give them a dollar estimate and pump. When finished, sign the ticket with your discount and pick up your card. Drive away. No big deal. My only complaint is having to stand in line twice.

You don't understand the problem? Really? There is simply no consistent policy at the various stores. It will get better with time but right now it's a complete mess.

Getting the cash price while using a CC is still the biggest "cluster mess" that ever was. Some do, some don't some will if you use the right lanes, some will if you preauthorize. The cash price on a CC is my #1 reason for visiting Flying J and if I can't get the cash price I sure am not going to pay the already too high price PLUS 6 cents a gallon more for using a CC.

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  On 4/8/2011 at 4:47 PM, LynsayPilotFlyingJ said:

After reading this thread we are taking a full on approach at training all stores about this program. We are making this a top priority.

Lynsay, thanks for coming to this forum and commenting about these problems.

The above quote is your biggest problem, as I had said in my e-mail to your customer service department.

Again, thanks.

JC Barnett

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Hearing from you all has helped us tremendously to find out where we need to focus our efforts. It looks like our biggest issue here is that all 550+ stores are not on the same page about the program. We are looking into new ways to communicate this program with each team member.

I can't apologize enough for the inconveniences you all have had. We know you just want the program to work and be easy. Thank you for your feedback as I've already heard from many of you through email since my last post.

Please continue to send me your questions/ideas/suggestions to social@pilotflyingj.com. I did hear that some tried to email there, and it didn't work. If so, please send to sm3@pilottravelcenters.com.

Thank you all very much, and I look forward to talking with you.

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As noted earlier from someone, Flying J prices are up to same prices as the Pilots prices. We never stopped at the Pilots because of their fuel prices, and I even have one of their cards. We now use Flying Js only for their propane because of the ease to get filled. Other than that we check out fuel prices while on the road. We just traveled 1,300 miles and never purchased fuel from a Flying J other than a fill on propane. Until they, Pilot/Flying J, get their act together we'll not be stopping at any of their stations. They not only lost our fuel ( last trip $900.00 on Diesel ) but they lost us in their shops, and restaurants as we don't stop there anymore.

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Guest BillAdams

We just filled up yesterday at the local BP station. It was 3.79 there and 3.95 at the Pilot less than 1 mile away. Pretty easy decision.

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  On 4/12/2011 at 11:59 AM, BillAdams said:

We just filled up yesterday at the local BP station. It was 3.79 there and 3.93 at the Pilot less than 1 mile away. Pretty easy decision.

Thanks for the input Bill. BP has normally been on the high side also, but now we'll be keeping an eye on them in our travels. That was a gas

price and not a diesel price? Do you remember what diesel was at that time?

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Guest BillAdams

No, that was diesel. Gas was only $3.49.

This is definitely NOT a BP or Mobil type issue, it's just what happens to be what price in that area. Today the BP went up to 3.95 as well so it's sometimes just a matter of timing.

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