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A forum for Older RVers travelling with a Young Dog

Entries in this blog


Up And Running At Last

We survived YEAR ONE and learned a lot in the process, including some "Don'ts" and plenty of "Dos." This blog is directed toward people who have said to us, "I wish we had the courage to do that." To do what? To realize that time plods on and if you have any unfulfilled desires, you'd better act on them. For better or worse, we did just that. Our timing was classic. We bought a used 36-foot National RV Dolphin LX. Within weeks, National went belly-up. We planned to drive to Denver to check o




So Much for the Rabbit!

So Much For The Rabbit, or This Too Shall Pass! In England, it’s “White Rabbit.†I’m not sure where or when I picked up this superstition, but probably in college. The first word you utter upon waking the first morning of a new month should be “Rabbit†if you want the following days to bring you health, wealth and wisdom. I’ve been a dedicated utterer Lo! these 50-plus years and have succeeded at indoctrinating two husbands. Until now. May 1, 2009, started like any other firs

Prepare For Landing!

PREPARE FOR LANDING! Hard or soft? Sooner or later? Where? When Cor and I opted for a life on the open road; we envisioned roaming the US at a leisurely pace, pausing long enough to savor the essence of north woods, prairie mountain, mesa, and bayou. Arrival at new campgrounds was exhilarating: so much to learn about the area. There were chutes in Ontario, fossils in Wisconsin. The first sight of the Rockies’ ridgeline at sunset was breathtaking. We had loved meandering by boat; so why not by

Medical Help in Motion

1. Make a list of all prescriptions, including dosage and have it laminated (Staples) to fit in your wallet. 3. List an emergency contact in your cell phone under “ICE†stands for “in case of emergency†-- speedy help if you are in an accident. 3. Go Digital and carry your memory stick with you. 4. If you will need regular monitoring tests (protime, PSA, sugar, etc.) have your doctor give you plenty of prescriptions to carry with you. 5. Same goes for prescription refills -- or use

Going To The Dogs

If only I had thought of this sooner! The untimely return of polio symptoms has left me unable to walk around parks, casually visiting neighbors or doing the daily "power walks" with the ladies. I do have an electric cart though, so I am mobile, but this is quite different from the slow stroll that allows you to meet and greet your new neighbors. Quite accidently, I came upon a way to satisfy that wish: Canine Candids! Camp Venice, where we have spent the winter this year, is rife with dogs




A Place for Everything & Not Much Is In Its Place

Full-Timing was an easy choice. It was the only choice if we wanted to enjoy winter sun in the South and summer's cool breezes in the North. We had burned our bridges behind us. There are no regrets, only vibrant memories of spending our days on the water, then touring on land to new horizons. Not only did we have to consider our ages, but also there were unknowns. Then, at 88, how long would Cor be able to renew his driver's license? How long would my eyes hold out? Or, should I say "eye"



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