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And so it begins...

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It's Not for Sissies!

Boy, I tell ya, this camping stuff ain't for sissies! We've been at our campsite in Thompson Creek, Washington, where we have been Gate Attendants, since May 19. This is our first time full-timing and mostly it's been okay ... if you consider that literally half the time we've been here it's rained! Man! We left the high desert of northern Nevada and will be boondocking in the mountains in Washington for the next five months and this rain is something else! I guess folks around here are used t




Woo hoo! Thank ya Jesus!

We lived through our 1st day on the road with out any major issues!! Hallelujah! I have to tell ya'll I prayed & talked to the Lord for the whole 250 miles! The day didn't start out very good, Hubby is driving the Bounder & I'm following behind in a Dodge 1500. (We'll find a nice toad later). ANYway, we learned something right off the bat.... We stopped to fill up on the way out of town, I put $40 in the truck & hubby was filling the beast when all at once, at $121 the gas shut o




Scared silly! Isn't that silly?

Well here we go.... we leave in the morning after the grandkids go to school on the first leg of our maiden voyage. I am excited, somewhat scared, and beyond nervous! We're going about 250 miles where we'll stop and visit my hubby's parents for a few days before continuing on another 400 miles to Newman Lake, Washington where we will be 'gate attendants' for 5 months. We'll be working in a day use area so that means it will be just the two of us at night...in the boonies...with no electricity




And so it begins

We've sold what we could and donated the rest. Our life now fits into a 31-foot motorhome and the 6-foot bed of a pickup truck. I already know that soon we will be paring down our belongings even more. I've told hubby that he has to quit adding "stuff"! "A place for everything, and everything in it's place" is my new motto LOL! We've been sleeping in our 1987 Bounder for almost a week. Tonight will be the sixth night. It's been pretty comfortable, but then again we are parked in our daughter'




Are we there yet?

Visit with the inlaws is coming to a close; we're heading out to our final destination at Newman Lake, Washingtion, some 400 plus miles away, at 8 a.m. in the morning! I am still shocked at how much the initial cost is to move from a stick house into an RV! Wow! One purchase I'm excited about it is the camp stove we bought. I don't plan on doing a lot of (if any) cooking in the coach unless it's bad weather so we wanted a little 2 burner propane stove to cook on outside along with our grills. W



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