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Two computer geeks live, work and travel in their motorhome

Entries in this blog


FMCA Convention in Perry Georgia

We figured out that this year was our 26th time presenting seminars at the FMCA national conventions. Back in 2004 we were there presenting seminars for Coach Connect, a company who installed WiFi in RV parks. After they went out of business we were invited back to FMCA on our own and Geeks on Tour was born in 2006. See this blog post for more history. This year, the convention was held at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, Georgia. Here was our seminar line up this year: Tec




FMCA RV Park in Cincinnati

Whenever we're traveling by Cincinnati, we like to stay at the FMCA Member's RV park on 3590 Round Bottom road. It gives us a chance to visit FMCA headquarters and say Hi! Oh, yeah, it also gives us a chance to go to Graeter's Ice Cream for the "to-die-for" Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip! It's free for members to stay for two days, then $20/night after that. Good 50-amp power and GREAT Wi-FI!! We heard the Wi-Fi was just added a week or so ago ... they must have known we were coming!




Albuquerque Seminars

Wow! What a week. We spent the past week with a few thousand of our closest friends at the FMCA Convention (Family Motor Coach Association) in Albuquerque, NM. We were thrilled to see so many people in attendance at our seminars - especially on the day that they had to brave the snowstorm to get there! We did a lot of talking about digital photos and about blogs, but the hottest topic was all about cell phones and Internet Access. In several of our seminars, we used our Droid phone tet




FMCA Convention, Perry GA

Did you attend the FMCA Convention in Perry, GA on March 16-19? We did! After a little bit of wet weather to start with, it turned beautiful. We hear all about the RV industry collapsing, but you sure couldn't tell that by this convention! There were over 2,600 rigs there, we understand, and everyone we talked to felt the rally was a big success. We gave six of our seminars, plus a hands-on Boot Camp. All of our seminars were well attended with no less than 150 people. The Picasa seminar




Hello FMCA

We already have several blogs, but I still love to try new systems - they just keep getting better. We`ve been living in our Motorhome fulltime for 5 years now. Our first FMCA convention was during our first year, and we`ve only missed one since. Here we are at the St. Paul convention this past summer. We present the seminar Èvery RVer Needs a Blog! I guess we`ll have to update that to include this new FMCA community!



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