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The story of a married couple living most of the time in their Motorhome and enjoying a more simplified life!

Entries in this blog


The Quest for a REAL CUP OF COFFEE

Downsizing from a 1400 sf townhouse to a 34 ft 7 inch Motorhome was pretty easy. We gave away just about everything - without much hesitation. Unless you count the 10x15 storage unit....... It is full of books and Christmas decor. But no coffee makers reside there. Pot 1: Cuisinart Grind and Brew coffee maker It was too big for the counter. It pulled too much electricity. Did we really need a 10 cup coffee maker for just the two of us? So it found a new home with our son. We can lovingly us




Camping with Canadians

While hiding out in Pigeon Forge, TN recently, we made new friends - from Ontario. I say hiding out because we were in the middle of a sabbatical and still trying to find peace and quiet in our lives. And quite suddenly the peace and quiet were gone. Vvvrrrrooommm! A brand new motorhome came flying by (well I don't think they were holding to the 5 mph speed limit). SCREECHHH. CRUNCCHHHH. They were backing into the site next to us! The motorhome jerked to a stop. The door flew open. Three big




In search of warmer weather

Delly had a heart attack in January. Add 68 inches of snow this winter and it was time to find warm weather and start recovering! Pop was granted a one month sabbatical - a nice perk to his work - so we unhooked the Coach and headed South. Of course that was the day after another snow storm..... First stop was WalMart somewhere in Virginia. Our first time to boondock at WM. 'Twas an interesting experience, but afforded us a good nights sleep and a place to buy supplies. On to Baileyton RV P




We picked the wrong Winter to live in our RV!

We picked the wrong Winter to live in our RV!!! Yep, I am conceding that this Winter has been a little too much for this newbie. I am sitting here watching a squirrel try to maneuver a tree - he slid down the ice like a sliding board! 30 inches of snow - no big deal. I (Delly) love snow - as do Pop and Elly May. 18 below wind chills - staying warm with 400 gallons of propane connected to the coach. ICE STORM --- no electricity or water to hook up -- doing just fine as long as we can get fuel




DANGER! DANGER! Watch out for those Slides!

Danger! Danger! Watch out for the slides! On the first morning of our RV adventure, Pop went outside to walk to our office - another perk to our simplified living. We were given an office on the mountain where we live - complete with internet connections and space for Pop's books. The sun was shining, it was a perfect Fall morning. I (Delly) was organizing things in the cabinets since we had just moved in the night before. Clump, clump, clump, down the steps. Crunch, crunch, crunc




Almost Full Time RV Living

Almost Full Time RV Living We are now completing our 4th month of living in our 2014 Winnebago Sightseer 33C. In the winter. In Maryland. During a record cold winter. With 30 inches of snow so far....... Yep, most people think we are either completely crazy or having a really wild mid-life crisis. If this is mid-life, then we have many more years for the adventure! The saga began nearly 20 years ago with a desire to simplify our lives. Then, four years ago we were bored and decided to



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