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The Adventures of Pat and April

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On the Road Again

Picked up the coach today. Brand new, warranted, Cummins 6BT 5.9 diesel. Not a long block as we expected. Rocky Mountain Cummins Coach Care really took good care of me in this deal!! I came out smelling like a rose! Spending the night at Mountain View RV Park in that Infamous RV city of Van Horn, TX. Appears to be a very nice park.




Reman'ed Cummins Long Block

Well, I figured I better come back and finish this event. We have decided to have Cummins Coach Care of El Paso install a Cummins' remanufactured Long Block (basically a new diesel engine). The good part is that the new engine will carry the Cummins warranty and the bad part is the hit in the wallet, to the tune of over $10,000 for parts and labor. Had to do some real serious soul searching to decide exactly which route we wanted to go. It would seem real stupid to some to put that kind of m




Stressful two days!

Stressful two days. Was driving toward between Marfa and Lobo Tx on US 90 running right along with a good tail wind and suddenly I hear a pop followed by a continous rattle, blowing a blueish colored smoke out the exhaust, and loosing power. Got into a picnic area and that was all she had left. After a hour and a half tow we arrived at Rocky Mountain Cummins in El Paso where we spent the night hooked up in their RV lot. After checking numerous things like the turbo, and fuel delivery syste




Near Lobo, Texas

We saw this huge thing that looked like a big white spaceship way off in the distance. When we got closer you could see what appeared to be stairs going up to the nose of it. Sure looked like we had been invaded by little green people. Ended up being a Border Patrol tethered surveillance radar blimp. It is tethered via a 25,000-foot cable. Sure puts a different meaning into the word surveillance. Wonder how they keep planes from flying into the cable?




Marfa Tx and Lobo Tx

Spent the night at the Marfa Lights Viewing area. Parked right behind the "Gone with the Wynns.com" coach. Wanted to stay another night but it was just to cold for boondocking a second night. So we left the nex morning. Made it almost to Lobo, and heard a quiet boom followed by rattling, and lost power. Pulled into a picnic area and waited for a tow from Coach Net. Currently seating at Rocky Mountain Cummins in El Paso. Lets hope the damage isn't to bad for the pocket book.




Judge Roy Bean

We stayed at the the "campground" across the street from the Judge Roy Bean Museum and Visitor's Center on US 90 in Langtry Tx last night. Was a bit concerned, but it ended up being the quietest and most peaceful night we have had on this trip so far. The reason for the concern was old dilapidated Bounder parked in one of the 6 spots. It appears to have caught fire. It was hooked up, but no one around. Very quiet night, did not even hear the goats next door!




Our Texas/Arizona Adventure 2014!

We stayed last night at Family Motor Coach headquarters campground in Cincinnati, Ohio. It had snowed. Did I say it had snowed? Snowed enough that I was concerned that I might not get out once I got in!!! It had not been plowed. Deep snow on top of ice. But we made it in and out okay. We made a side trip to Jungle Jim's International Market. The place was huge, and overwhelming. with more than 200,000 square feet of grocery shopping!! You could spend a day there, easily. And you don't want to g



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