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Where Do You Park Your RV?

blog-0543389001397220602.jpgThe snow is gone and the 5-foot-high banks that formed a wall along the driver’s side of our Roadtrek eTrek has melted away.

As I look at it sitting there on it’s special little apron in the driveway, I can almost hear it calling: “Take me someplace fun. Now.”

When I snapped this photo yesterday, it got me wondering how and where most of you keep your RVs when at home. Most of the bigger Type C and Type A’s, of course, need to have lots of room, and that usually entails a storage facility.

But Type B’s can often be kept at home in the driveway, unless there are special zoning or neighborhood association rules prohibiting it.

Because I drive the Roadtrek as a second vehicle when we’re at home, ours gets almost daily use. That keeps critters like mice and squirrels from claiming it as theirs during long periods of inactivity.

Lately, I’ve used it as a wildlife blind, sitting inside and taking photos of the deer and turkeys that seem to think our landscaping is the animal world’s equivalent of a Golden Corral.

A year or so ago, I hired an asphalt crew to add on a parking area for it. This year. I’m thinking of having an electrician put in a 30-amp box next to it. That would be for Roadtreking friends who visit.

So, where do you keep your RV?


Our eTrek sits in the driveway, waiting to head out.


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