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Melvin smells something funny




Today we took off in search of Billy's swamp tours. That didn't work out so well. Garmin could not find him and after 120 miles and 3 stops for directions I gave up. Perhaps I'll try again when we head for alligator alley next week.

We did manage to see quite a bit of the country side. At one point we even stopped to watch sugar cane being harvested. Interesting machine for that task. As we left the fields we spotted the processing plant in the distance.

Lake Okeechobee is easy to find but hard to see. The southern end is completely surrounded by flood control levies. We found many boat launches but they were all in canals with no direct view of the lake. It claims to have the biggest bass it the World!! Guess I'll take their word for it since I'm not a fisherman.

On our way back we stopped for a few groceries and some bottled water. Might be just us, but we have found that very few CG's have good tasting water.

Tonight's menu was hamburgers with fresh tomatoes and a slice of Burmuda onion, baked beans. Oh happy day. However, later in the evening we were all but driven out of the motorhome by the smell of the ends and skins (Bermuda onion) in the garbage! Since we were both not dressed to go out I came up with the idea of putting it in the freezer until morning....yes, the whole Bag of trash! Instant relief from that odor.

As we headed for bed, rain had arrived along with quite a bit of wind. Good I had seen the forecast and pulled in the awning.

As morning came it was still raining. A good day for some inside chores. First I put up a small shelf to hold the indoor/outdoor thermometer(Christmas present) and my iPhone while it's charging. Next was replacement of the shower head. Using the old one was more like being occasionally sneezed on while you had soap on your body, than a shower that should be designed to actually cleanse you. I also made sure the replacement had a stainless steel hose. The plastic ones kink and refuse to lay flat against the wall. An essential feature when you are big and the shower is small.

Ruth was the first to use it and was quite pleased with the improvement.

At 5:30 today we head over to the clubhouse for a meatloaf dinner. Hopefully we'll have some talkey folks at our table. Regardless, no cooking, no dishes, and no garbage to freeze!!

Oh, By the way, does anybody know how to get onion smell out of the freezer without defrosting it?--()$&$)--:;.,??!


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