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Come to Flordia and meet your family from the North East

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blog-0421828001426730283.jpgblog-0421828001426730283.jpgblog-0421828001426730283.jpgblog-0421828001426730283.jpgblog-0421828001426730283.jpgFL 3-18-15

The last couple days I had very little to write about. We are at Alliance Coach having a few minor repairs done. Thing is it takes time to schedule your turn and not all repairs are straight forward due to the complexity of these things.

The past 2 days we spent our time exploring the countryside. This area is full of horse ranches and I'm not talking 10 acres! They go on for miles. The pastures are beautiful, the homestead is Southern Fork worthy, and the horses are of all varieties. Don't ask me which ones. I know I haven't seen any Clydesdales but there are many different breeds in the area.

Yesterday we checked out a Sate park that boasted of river tubing. We found it but we also found a sign saying "closed for the season". At least we know where to go if we decide to stay later in the future.

Today we drove to Tarpon Springs to visit with a distant cousin of Ruth. They connected through genealogy research. Sharon and Bob live in midstate New York, but are down here for the winter. Through Facebook they discovered we were only 60 miles away from each other. Road trip.

It was wonderful to spend time with them. We did lunch gabbed a lot and took a "locals" tour of the best beaches and neighborhoods. What a great day. Not much in the picture department but lots of new memories of a very pleasant day.

While we are on the subject, my sister-in-law and her husband from Pennsylvania are also vacationing about 60 miles SE of us. We have plans to spend Saturday with them.

No matter where we go it's easy to find something to do.

While we were gone today Gracie went to the beauty parlor for a wash and wax. She had so much Texas dirt on her she began to look like the Beverly Hillbillies owned her. We got back after dark and couldn't see the change over, but when the Burbs headlights hit her I did see shines wheels and tires.

I went straight to the fridge to grab some fresh pineapple chunks I had prepared yesterday. Great, the $@(;/#%^~ light burned out. Upon further inspection I discovered no power. Could not turn it on. After about 20 minutes of troubleshooting I discovered a circuit board had been fried. If it wasn't caused by the power washer blasting through the outside vented access panel it would still be an odd coinsedance.

Guess we're here for another day.

PS Ever wonder wher Palm trees come from? Look at this picture.

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