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Oh My Lord, Not Again!

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Yesterday, Teddy Bear, our Cocker Spaniel, was very ill. We don't know how, but he he picked up a gastro bacterial infection. It knocked him for a loop. He wouldn't eat, or drink anything, on his own. If we coached him, he would take a bit of yogurt, or maybe eat an ice cube, but neither would stay down for long. I can tell you it scared both Diane and myself. I guess we are still a bit raw-nerved from the loss of our Nickolas just five short months ago. Actually, I was more than scared, I was numb.

Diane and I made a trip to the vet late in the day yesterday. The good doctor there ran a few tests and determined that Teddy picked up a germ somewhere that was reaking touble in his gut. She gave him a shot for nausea, which started to work really fast. She also prescribed a dose of antibiotics. We went home, relieved to know that the trouble was not something that needed anything major to fix, like surgery.

This morning he still had problems keeping food down but he continued to try to eat. This evening he seems to be doing okay. I don't think he is all that crazy about a diet of chicken broth and white rice, but he is eating it.

So "Oh Lord, not again" is really true. Because of prayer and medicine that is working, it is not happening again. We are not losing our dog.


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