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Posts posted by texaswrrr

  1. Rich

    Thanks for your speedy reply.

    I have NO check engine light "on" and no codes showing when checked with a reader. When its goes into high RPM (above 3000) the back firing is so severe that some bucking is felt. A the lower RPM's it is just annoying. Engine runs smooth every time it is started. Air filter is new & clean.

    Is there any way to check the coils for which one to change or just buy 8 new ones and install them.

    I now have 60,000 on the engine so has been a continuing problem for a while!

    Thanks for your input.


  2. I have an 2007 Workhose chassis with 8.1 engine.

    It started back firing at 44,000 miles so I changed the standard wires to high temperature wires and at least 3 of old wires were burned. This improved the condition but did not cure it.

    Next I installed new spark plugs again improved but did not cure. It back fires, normally, one pop on down shift and one on up shift 5th gear to 4th gear (6 speed tranny). On down shift into 3rd gear on steep hill it is constant popping and I drop cruise and go manual throttle to minimize problem.

    Do not have any engine lights or codes. I can see the back fires on computer program but just as a blip with no info.

    I do most of my own service but at total lose on this one.

  3. I purchased my 5510 from Camping World last week. I now have NO hair on my head after trying to enter a multi-stop cross country. I visited with 2 RM techs and both gave me the same answer basically you CANNOT enter a route of your desire and you cannot look in detail at a planned trip except for the first leg. They told me that it would send you the "best" route within the law. It sent me down narrow winding two lane farm-to-market roads when a direct 4 lane highway was available and shorter plus faster. In have used CoPilot laptop 11 for years on a laptop and netbook but it is out dated but they have a new CoPilot 8 laptop which I am getting ready to order. It is RV friendly and will allow you to program YOUR route not THEIRS but will not lead you down a NON-RV lane. I am going to try to return my 5510 to Camping World for a refund tomorrow.

    The 5510 is RV friendly BUT is not RVER friendly unless you want them to plan your entire trip with no discussion!

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