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Everything posted by lansinger

  1. We are putting the coach in the shop to have all the mechanical systems checked out before we hit the road again in April. When wwe get it back I will be un-winterizing the water system and will know then if it is a broken water line. Thanks for the input. I will let you know what I find. Yes, there is no water line under the bed, but there is a water line that runs from the master bath vanity, which goes behind the bed below the slide, to the wet bay where the water pump and the fresh water wank is. The wet carpet covers the master bedroom. The bed platform is attached to a storage box and headboard which slide in and out over the carpet. When the bed slide is in there is a large space behind the bed platform storage box. In that space you can see heating ducks and two 1-1/2' black ABS pipe which I beleive house water line. All four slides were in and the coach was in a covered area at the storage facilty. It could very well be cause from some of the recent rains and strong winds. As I mentioned above I will be running fresh water through the system when it comes back from Maintenance. I will let you know what I find.
  2. We are putting the coach in the shop to have all the mechanical systems checked out before we hit the road again in April. When wwe get it back I will be un-winterizing the water system and will know then if it is a broken water line. Thanks for the input. I will let you know what I find.
  3. The coach was winterized before it went into storage. The slides were in.
  4. The coach was winterized before it went into storage. The slides were in.
  5. We Just pulled out 2013 Tiffin Phaeton QBH out storage and the carpet in the bedroom was wet. It was stored under a carport roof at the storage facility with a small portion of the rear sticking out. The water pump was shut off with the fresh water tank nearly empty. No pressure in the water lines. We did have a couple of rain storm with high wind. Anyone have any ideas where the water came from? Is there any water line under the bed? The bedroom was the only place wet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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