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Everything posted by chuckwoodall

  1. Since so many folks lost their payments this year on cancelations, I see FMCA has now added the fact to the webpage for future rally's. We plan on attending the Perry GA rally again and will register as soon as the registration opens in November. However, if it is cancelled, we have no use for a rally anywhere else as we are limited to the area we travel to attend. Can the voucher, if issued, be held until the next rally in Perry? Otherwise it is a total waste of my money to register. Many folks attend based on where they will be at the time. I know we will not be traveling to the states where the rallies are held at other times so being given the option of attending those is no option at all. Chuck and Katie Woodall
  2. I received the notification today of the increase. I can live with it because it is still a very good value and I sure do not wish to see the program or the FMCA go away. Yeah, it would have been better if they had sent a message saying that effective such and such date the price will go up, but I also see a lot of folks trying to renew before the increase took effect. So I guess I understand. I had already renewed for 3 years so it seems a little unfair for me to take advantage of that and not volutaraly pony up the increase so I will make a voluntary donation. With that said, I renewed by phone andit was an easy and pleasant experience. Chuck and Katie Woodall
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